Eliza ; Missed

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We walked all the way to one of the training grounds, the one where the ambassadors were supposed to come back to. A squad was training there, but no one noticed us. I heard a familiar voice.

"Well if you wanna complain, just leave. I don't need any weaklings in my squads. Train and get better." He growled. I shivered.

Dang I forgot how he sounded like when he's angry.

Kyojin dropped a hand on my shoulder. I didn't know his story. It was none of my business either, but since my bond trusted him, I knew I could.

Kyojin motioned for me to go sit on a platform slightly elevated from the ground. I went there and sat with my back to a rock. My right foot was twitching from impatience.

"Kyojin, I don't need your help to know how to manage a squad." Shi's voice resonated through the grounds.

Then, I heard my bond's magnificent laugh.

"Sorry, sorry, still, take it as advice from a friend." He chuckled.

"Get out." His tone left room for no negotiation.

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving! Eliza, come on, we'll wait somewhere else, the man's in a bad mood." He called out obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes before walking up to him.

"You're being obnoxious." I stated, once I stepped next to him.

"Sorry." He smiled.

We walked back in and roamed the corridors, chatting.

"Where do you think they'll go once they come back?" I looked up at my bond. He took off his beanie and threw it in his jacket's pocket.

"I dunno." He replied, passing a hand through his hair. I couldn't help but stare as he did so.

"You done staring now?" He looked back at me.

My face heated up, but before I even got the time to reply, his lips were on mine. He left about as quickly as he arrived but the feeling lingered onto my lips.

"What the?" I felt becoming even redder, if that's even possible.

"Couldn't help myself, you were too cute." He murmured, his face still very close to mine. He slowly stepped backwards as voices resonated down the corridor. One of which I clearly recognized.

"Where are you taking me? What did I even do?" She argued.

"Orders of the Queen." A male responded.

"Kati." I said, looking at Kyojin.

Just at that moment, they turned to corner and I saw her. Her soft lilac hair flew around as she struggled against the man keeping her up.

"Drop her." Kyojin said. My eyes widened.

"Captain Soji!" The guy said, dropping my sister.

Kati looked up.

"Eliza?" She asked. I hugged her.

"Kati. Kati! How I missed you!" I ran my hand through her hair, like I always did when we were younger.

"Captain? What's this all about?" The man asked.

"Eliza asked Hime if she could go see her sister and that's the compromise we came up with." Kyo shrugged.

"Did you find a bond back at the Village? If ya did I can ask her to send you back. I wouldn't want you to be separated from him." I asked her.

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