Kyojin ; Talk

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Shi left the room and once I was sure the door was closed, I turned to Eliza. I spent over an hour trying to build up the courage to go talk to her and go steal her from her friends, but ended up asking Shi to go instead.

Pathetic coward.

"Finally." I smiled.

"What is it?" She asked. I could hear my own heart thumping against my rib cage.

"Okay. I won't ramble for hours. We're bonded." I spilled out.

"Ya, I know." She said, looking at me. She didn't say anything more, but took a step towards me. My heart was beating even faster.

What if she rejects me? What if she cuts the bond?

Before I even knew it, she pressed her palm to my chest, right where my heart was situated.

"You should calm down a bit, Kyojin." She looked at me, smiling.

She was barely an inch shorter than me, so we were face to face. I took a few deep breaths to calm my crazy heartbeat before opening my eyes and looking in hers.

We're bonded.

"I'm so damn glad we are." She sighed out, hugging me.

Her sudden move caught me off guard, but I quickly regained my composure and hugged her back, taking in her scent. It was like we were molded to be together. I suddenly understood what my father meant by the greatness of bonds. It just felt right. We slowly pulled away from each other. My eyes trailed her features, taking in as much as I could.

"Fuck it." I mumbled, before grabbing her face and kissing her. I felt our energies connect and swirl together, as if we were one. This was it, this was what a bond meant. Her soft lips felt like an oasis in the desert. It felt like suddenly, life had a whole new, brighter meaning. Her lips molded with mine as I held her tightly in my arms.

"We're moving quite fast, aren't we?" She asked once we pulled away.

"I guess. Not like I care. " I smiled and she looked at me.

"You know, I'm usually the first one to say whatever goes through my brain, but with you, I was unable to just tell what I felt." She said, smiling. "And on another note, there are four people coming our way, I can hear them." She added, not dropping her smile the slightest bit. "before they arrive, lemme say one thing, please let's keep this between the Captains and like my friends. I don't want too many people to know about this."

"Alright." I smiled

A few seconds later, the door opened and Shi stood there, his head low, with Eliza's sister and friends right behind.

"Sorry dude, they forced me." He apologized.

"They, or Lilith?" My girl asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Your sister." He said.

"Tch, way to ruin the moment Lilith, honestly." Eliza rolled her eyes.

She chuckled and turned around.

"I was right, you were wrong." Lilian sassed the two other Sylphees behind her.

"What? You were betting again?"

I watched the exchange between them, leaning casually against the wall. Shi came to stand next to me.

"Sylphees are interesting people, aren't they?" He told me.

"Definitely. And damn good looking as well." I replied, looking at my bond. Shi shook his head.

"You're hopeless." He mumbled.

"Who are you calling hopeless?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You." He replied, looking back at the Sylphees.

"Tch." I gave up and saw all the Sylphees looking at me. My eyes widened.

"Don't panic, they're weird." Eliza mouthed, when noticing my state. I immediately chilled.

"Oi, I give up. I'm 22 years old and I haven't got a damn bond and my little sis is 19 and she got one." Lilian complained, sitting on the ground.

"Lilith, stop complaining." Eliza facepalmed. I couldn't help but smile at the scene.

I noticed the two others didn't speak and I scanned the air. We were taught how to recongnize bonds on other people when we became Captains, so I immediately noticed the bond connecting them.

Eliza looked at me.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked me.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm pretty sure the concerned people will tell you when they want." I shrugged.

"You noticed as well?" Shizuka asked me.

"Of course. They don't teach us that for nothing!" I exclaimed.

I noticed the Sylphees had questioning looks plastered on their faces.

"Now. How about we escort you guys back to your rooms?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Alright! My legs are dead anyways." Lilian said, stretching.

"Uh, Lilith, you were litterally sitting all along." My bond stated, raising an eyebrow.

"So what? Sitting is hard, you know?" She overdramatically wiped her hand across her forehead. The room bursted out in laughter.

I opened the door and walked out right next to Eliza. Everyone followed us. As we strolled the corridors, our hands brushed against each other and I had to keep concentrated to keep my hands away from hers.

As we got to their rooms, Zack and Jules entered theirs quickly and Lilian entered hers as well. Eliza stood there, looking at me. For a few moments, I completely forgot the guards standing next to their door. I left a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Be safe, okay?" I told her.

"I should be the one telling you this." She smiled. "I'm not the one fighting out there."

"I don't understand why we kill Sylphees, it's so unfair." I mumbled, looking in her eyes.

"Then don't." Eliza looked straight into my eyes, as if staring into my soul.

"I don't have a choice." I felt my heart sink when she looked down. "But I'll try, okay?"

She smiled softly.

"See you." I told her as she entered her room.

I sighed as reality kicked in. Even if we were bonded, she wouldn't forgive us that easily. We did do much wrong. Killing so many of her race and not being saddened by it truely was a heartless thing to do. And I noticed it when we first met. She cried after realizing she stole a brother, a friend to some people by killing someone she barely knew.

"You know, Kyo, we're like puppets on a string. Other than the king and Captain Totsuzen, who were alive at the beginning of the war, we don't know why we hate them, or why we kill them." My brother's voice rang. I frowned for a second before remembering he was one of my bond's guards.

"Right." I mumbled before turning around and leaving.

What is this girl doing to me?

QAkfjjsbckslkf they kissed wooohoooo yaptidoptadipdidoo
I promise I'm fine and finals coming up aren't killing me ♡♡♥︎♥︎

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