Kyojin ; Announcements

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I entered the room as soon as Totsuzen's men left, Eliza following on my trail. I had thought she'd fall back into whatever state she had been in, but she surprisingly didn't. She just became very childish and clingy. Like a child who'd just lost her mother. I guess she saw Lilian as a mother figure, as she didn't seem to have parents alive.

We packed all of her things and I noticed her occasionally glancing at the room which had previously been occupied by her older sister. I thought of my brother, who was posted next to their room everyday, walking them around. Even though we didn't talk much, I still deeply cared about him and couldn't even imagine how pained my bond must've been by her sister's death. As we were wrapping up the last of her things, which only consisted of clothes and hygiene products, Hime entered the room. We both turned around and looked at her.

"I'm sorry." She started. "I know you probably wanted some of your sister's drawings, but I only had a few days to get to know her. I felt like I could get to know her by her drawings." She explained.

"Oi, Hime, you don't need to explain yourself to us, you're the Queen." I stated.

"That's how my father was. I'm not going to abuse my power. I felt the need to explain myself." Hime looked down, and for a second I felt like I was in front of the young girl who was my best friend of many years, and not a Queen.

Eliza didn't say anything through the whole exchange, but somehow when I looked back at her, her hand had managed to slip itself into mine.

"It's fine." She murmured. "Keep her things. You'll see she was an awesome person." She added.

I slightly squeezed her hand. She looked up at me and gave me a sad smile.

"I'm going to send ambassadors tonight, in every Sylphee villages to announce that the war is over." Hime added after a moment of peaceful silence. It seemed to spark something within my girlfriend.

"Wait!" She suddenly bursted out.

"What is it?" Hime asked.

"Can you... the person you'll send to my Village, the Monogatari Village, can they... bring me my sister?" Eliza softly asked, her eyes full of hope. Hime shrugged.

"Sure, I guess. What's her name?" Hime tilted her head to the side.

"Kuria Kati." She smiled. "Thank you."

"You're Kyo's bond and he's been my best friends for years. I wouldn't deny you to the possibility of seeing your only other alive relative." Hime gave her a truthful smile.

"How do you know?" Eliza asked.

"Know what?" the Queen asked.

"That she's my only living relative." She specified.

"Lilith told me." A shadow passed over her eyes.

With that, Hime left, about as quickly as she arrived. We picked up Eliza's thing and took off towards my room. She dropped her things on the ground and flopped down on my bed.

"I'm gunna see my little sister." A tear slipped from her eye. I could feel that they were happy tears, so I didn't worry, instead, I flopped down next to her.

"That, you are." I mumbled.

She cuddled into me and I wrapped my arms around her, before leaving a peck on her forehead. She giggled.

"Thank you. I think I would've literally died if you weren't there." Eliza suddenly told me.

"No." I told her. She furrowed her brows. "You would've lived for Kati." I looked into her grassy eyes.

"But now I'm living for both of you." She muttered, before kissing me.

We cuddled and talked about sweet nothings during the entirety of the evening, until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, I woke up to the shower running. I looked next to me and was met with an empty bed.

Well I guess Eliza's up.

I groggily got up and went to my coffee machine and made myself some of the delicious beverage. If there's one thing I learned about Eliza during those days she spent, half-dead, at my house, is that she hates it. I never understood why people hated coffee, it's a heaven-made hot beverage. I sat down at my desk, slowly sipping my drink. I decided I would wait for Eliza before going to my office. Not that I could go anyways since she was occupying my shower, which I always took before going to work.

She eventually got out, about at the same time as I was done with my coffee.

"You're up?" She asked, slightly smiling.

"Nope, I'm still sleepin'." I told her, smirking.

She shook her head, chuckling. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I took my quick shower, washing my hair, and got out. I dressed up and washed my teeth before stepping back out. Eliza was pacing around the room.

"Ne, Eliza, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"They're bringing Kati back today. Ya know, Hime said "tonight" yesterday so that means they should be back today, since you guys can fly." She abruptly stopped.

"Well yeah, but I don't know when they'll-" I started.

"Can we go see if they're back?" She cut me off.

I thought of all the paperwork I got done during the days she was doing nothing. I spent those days speeding through the work.

Meh I guess I can take a break from all that.

"Alright." I told her. I headed for the door.

"Wait!" She told me.

"Hmm?" I turned back to her.

"You're gunna go with your hair basically dripping wet? Aren't you going to catch a cold?" She bombarded me with questions.

"Well, it's not cold, my hair dries really quickly and I've always done that so no problem here." I shrugged.

"Oh, okay." She shrugged. I could see she wasn't satisfied with my answer.

"What is it?" I asked. She looked down.

"Well you see, you look really good with you hair messy like that and I know that you have a bunch of fangirls and stuff and like I don't want them to jump at you or something." She mumbled very quickly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh I see. I'll fix that for you sweetie." I smirked before shooting her a wink. I grabbed a beanie and put it on.

"Eh? You're not helping!" She whined.

"Yare, yare, Eliza make up your mind. Let's go." I winked and opened the door.

Hehehe some fluffy cute shish for y'all. By the way, "yare, yare" is a Japanese expression that means like "jeez" or "good grief", "my gosh" ya get the vibe? Yup.


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