Kati: Boy

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Shizuka scratched his neck.

"I'm so sorry, he's so obnoxious." He looked away.

"No wonder he's a match to my sister." I shook my head, suppressing a giggle.

"How come?" He looked at me over his glasses.

"She's oblivious and he's obnoxious, isn't that flippin' awesome?" I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "Honestly."

"Why do you wear glasses?" I asked.

"Because I can't see."

"Yeah, no I meant like is your eyesight just bad or did you get some sort of acid sprayed in your eyes?" I rectified.

"Gods do you have some imagination. Though that's a terrible conversation starter." He shrugged.

"Shush, you're supposed to go with it! I'm tryna get to know you here my guy. If were gunna be bonded, I'd like to at least know something about you!" I explained.

He looked slightly taken aback. Like he wasn't expecting me to know that we were bonded.

"I- uhh." He tried.

"I told you, Liza is oblivious. Even so, I'm not. I've got that stuff figured out. I don't act without my head." I told him.

He chuckled. "Then what about this, you answer to my questions, I answer yours."

"Deal." I smiled.

We asked each other whatever we wanted to know. He learned about how I met Liza, I showed him my permanent scar, on the right side of my face. He also asked me about basic stuff, like my favorite colours, red and white, my friends back home, literally none, however pathetic that might sound, and what I did in my free times, read, read and read.

I got to know about him, how he keeps a shell because of a past event, but he wasn't ready to talk about it yet, which is completely understandable. I also got to know that he wore glasses because of that same event, since it hindered his sight, his biggest fear was fire and he liked fish, a lot. He was also good at flying.

"You can fly as well?" I asked.

"What do you mean, as well?"

"The guys who brought me here, they were flying." I told him.

"Yeah, we're the same race."

"Right. Can I see your wings?"

"What? Uh, sure." He took my hand and dragged me out a door, which was hidden behind a curtain.

We were on a huge balcony which was standing over a desert of all the shades of gray. The view was something I'd never experienced in my life. Before I even got the time to get over my emotions, my feet got swept off the ground and he leaped off the balcony. We free fell for a few seconds before he let out his majestic wings. They were as white as wings of an angel, and feathery as the ones of a bird. My breath got caught in my throat as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Don't forget to breathe." He reminded me.

"Right." I took a few deep breaths and looked around. Flying felt much better, now that I wasn't fighting against a buff, scary dude.

I slightly looked up to see his face. He seemed peaceful and serene. I didn't get why Jules and Zack found him so scary.

"Hey, Shizuka, why are people scared of you?" He slightly tensed at my question.

"I guess it has something to do with protecting myself, or so Kyo told me. I trust him enough, so I guess that must be it." He muttered.

"Is it..." I knew the conversation was going in a dangerous direction, but I was curious. "Is it related to that event you mentioned?" I softly asked, hoping he wouldn't get to worked up by my questioning.

He sighed. "I guess. I'm trying to get better, but it has to do with stuff I did about a year ago."

"What happened a year ago?" I asked.

He looked towards the horizon and didn't answer. I stayed still, thoughtful. What could bring someone like him to scare people to the point that they don't want to see him again. I thought of Jules and Zack and of what they told me.

'He's just straight up crazy, it's scary.' They had said.

I didn't see it. We were outside, flying and the only thing I could feel was peacefulness. That's not something you feel around someone crazy. I felt myself tense. They had no rights to talk about him like that. They didn't know him.

"But they're wrong. You're not crazy." I muttered.

"What?" He asked.

"You're not crazy. I know it. I can feel it. You're not crazy." I looked up at him.

He smiled slightly. "Thank you."

I looked at the horizon and saw the sun starting to set. The sight was one which I'll never forget. The light casted an orange glow on both our faces as the sky bloomed into millions of colours. Stars started peeking from the shadows as the pinks and yellows blended with the deep blues and purples of the night sky.

"This is beautiful." I mumbled in awe. I had never seen a sunset that beautiful.

Shi chuckled. "I thought you'd like it. Glad that I was right."

He was still, his wings softly keeping us up in place. I sighed, content. We stayed there for what felt like hours, watching one of nature's miracles. Once the night had completely surrounded us, he softly kissed my temple.

"You have no idea how important you are to me." He whispered.

As his words sank into my mind, I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep. I heard his last few words cristal clear though.

"Thank you."

This one is slightly shorter than the priors but whatever mmkay? It's cute and I like it. Next chapter is the last one. I'm sad.

~Elo, your froggo

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