Eliza; They

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I woke up to see Kyo doing some paper work and sipping on his coffee.

"I told you, if you drink that much coffee, you're gunna die from a heart attack before you're thirty." I mumbled, stretching.

"You're just jealous that my amazing tastebuds can recognize the rich and delicious flavour of this terrific and tasteful hot beverage." He sassed.

"Oh Gods can you not, so early in the morning." I sighed.

"Well rise and shine, lovely!" He singsonged playfully.

"You're so annoying sometimes."

"But you love me!"

"That, I do." I admitted, getting up.

I got ready fairly quickly and grabbed my jacket, heading out. Arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Where are you going?" He mumbled in the crook of my neck.

"Checking up on Kati. I'd like to remind you that you forced me to leave her alone with Shi. Even if they're bonded, you and I both know he can get a bit intimidating." I softly pushed him off.

"If anything happened to her, he would've came to me right away. He didn't come. She's fine." He insisted.

"You're so clingy. Can I just please go check up on her?" I argued.

"Alright, alright, but I'm coming with you." He stated.

"Tch, fine." I gave in.

We walked together hand-in-hands towards E258. Nostalgia waved over me as I roamed the corridors which I had almost learnt in my month staying there.

I knocked a few times on the door and Kati opened it.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I walked in and sat on the floor.

"Uh, good morning. You know there are chairs and a sofa, right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, but I'm fine right he-" Kyojin lifted me up by the armpits and dropped me on the couch, as if I was a five year old throwing a tantrum.

I stayed with my sister that morning. Oh and Kyojin was there too. She liked Shi. She said he wasn't scary. I was glad. I was trying my best not to squeal, they were just too cute, especially when he passed by just to hug her. Kyojin had to slap his hand over my mouth to keep me from making a sound. Though I kept squirming in his arms.

I also got slapped about five times that day, apparently because 'stop it, 'Liza, we're not that cute' , but I just couldn't help it.

As the months passed, I got closer and closer to Kyojin. Hime adopted a little guy, a Sylphee, to be her heir. She said he reminded her of Lilith. I could totally see it. He liked drawing, just like her, he was sassy, just like her, he was sweet and caring, just like her and he had a charming smile. I immediately adored my little nephew. His name was Len. He had dark brown hair and soft green eyes. A total cutie pie.

Kati and Shizuka also got much closer. He opened up to her, or so she told me. She said that they had nothing they didn't tell each other. She told me he went through a lot of stuff and did a lot of stupid shit, but no matter how much I insisted, she never told me what. Said it was his privacy. I guess it made sense.

We maintained a sort of peaceful life for well over five years. I don't think Hime ever got over Lilith. No one ever gets over the loss of a bond.

"Hey, Eliza, I really love you, you know that right?" Kyo stood up from the tree we were sitting against.

"Yeah, what are you doin-" I stop talking as he dropped onto one knee. "No- you're not really..."

"So I thought maybe we could get married." He shrugged.

I bursted out laughing.

"That was the least romantic marriage proposal ever. Oh gosh I'm in love with an idiot." I got up and kissed him, feeling tears running down my cheeks.

"I'll take that as a yes." He muttered once we pulled away.

"Of course it's a yes." I laughed.

My sister didn't believe it at first. I had to tell her six times before she even considered that it may be the truth. We got married on the day we met, six years after the date on which I tried to kill him. What a wonderful way to meet your husband.

I think there is no need to resume the ceremony. It was mostly me, crying like an idiot, my sister and sister-in-law smiling their lives out, I don't even remember Hime smiling that much since Lilith passed. I think she was happy for her best friend. He got married. I got married. We got married.

Shi had a proud look on his face. He had dropped his reputation, though Jules and Zack were still slightly tense around him.

Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep, wishing that Lilith was still here, smiling, sassing and messing with everyone. Though as the years passed, I cried less and less.

"'Liza! When are you going to tell him?" Kati insisted. Obviously, I should've listened to my instincts and never told her, but she figured it out.

"Tell who?" I feigned ignorance.

"Tell Kyojin, obviously." She smiled.

"Tell me what?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh... hey, Kyo." I mumbled.

"Wing it, sis!" Kati ran out of the room.

"She's still a child, I swear." I mumbled.

"What'd you have to tell me?"

"Nothing, really."

"Not true."

"There's a child growing inside of me." I whispered.

He heard me though and picked me off the ground. Kyo swirled me around, squealing.

"And who said you were the father?" I teased.

"Sorry, but that won't work. I trust you too much to believe that someone else got you pregnant." He mumbled in my neck.

We had three kids, the first one, or should I say two, were two boys, twins. And our second was a girl. Kai, Oli and Mira. My biggest pride. I loved them with my whole heart. And so did Kyo.

Maybe almost killing my bond the day we met wasn't such a bad thing.

The End!!!

I worked really hard on this book and I'm glad to be bringing it to a close. My smile is widening as I write. It's cute, it's short, but it's lively and it's my baby.

Well, I'm off!

Byebye for now
~EloTheFroggo xxx

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