Eliza ; Pain

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I regained consciousness to a sharp sting in my arm. I got hit by an arrow. I knew I wouldn't stand a chance if I stayed in the battle. I painfully got up and took all my remaining strenght to run. Sand was going into my wounds as I continued as fast as possible, but I ran all the way back to the village.

As I came close to my home, Old Lady Jina called over.

"Eliza! You came back in one piece!... Even if it's a pretty damaged piece.

- Can you... I need water.. Please Old Lady Jina!" I managed to get out from my blood sticky and dry mouth.

"Yes of course! Jean! Come help me with the girl." She called out to her husband.

Old Lady Jina was the Monogatari Village's healer. Her husband brought me to her tent, where she gave me some water. I started by supressing the blood by rincing my mouth and then drank my thirst away. She cleaned my cuts and scratches before looking at the arrow stuck in my bicep.

"That won't be fun, I'll take it out on three," she stated, examinating my wound

" one... two..."

She gave the dart a good pull and it cleanfully came out, while I let out a loud scream. She bandaged my arm and left to go make some healing paste. Kati bursted in the tent a few seconds later.

"Eliza! I knew you were back, she took a pause to acknowledge my condition, what the heck happened to you?

- Hi, happy to see you too Kati" I said, avoiding her question.

Kati is my adoptive sister. I found her one day half dead on the riverside and brought her back to the village, where Old Lady Jina got her back on feet. The only permanent mark she has is a burn around her right eye area, which is covered by a thick strand of her lilac hair. Even if she is about three years younger, I feel like she is more like a mother to me than I am to her.

"You went fighting again, didn't you?

- So what if I did?

- I told you it was dangerous, stop going off like that! You know, I was worried for you... and so was Nirako!

- Nirako..." I stated. Fog started clouding my mind. He probably acted like he was worried to make Kati think he actually liked me. Truth is he didn't, not anymore, not with the way I dumped him. I chuckled to myself at the thought. Anyways he had about a thousand girls running around him 24/7 so I don't know why he would always try to get me.

As on cue, he entered Old Lady's tent.

"Eli! Thank god you're safe!" the brunette stared at me with his deep brown eyes. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Ikken.." I awkwardly started, calling him by his last name out of habit.

"I was so worried when I heard you left with the fighters. I got really scared for you I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to y-"

I cut him off.

"Save that bullshit for another one of your girlfriends Ikken. Did you really think that I was weak enough to get killed?

- No, that's not it, I just.. I-"

Hah he wasn't even able to talk back.

Old Lady Jina came back with a cup of paste diluted in water and a smaller one of pure healing paste.

"Here Hon', drink this, she said, handing me the diluted cup.

- Thank you, Old Lady Jina"

As I drank the mixture the healer turned to Kati and Nirako.

"You two, help Eliza back to her tent and make sure she gets some rest." She ordered them. Kati looked from me to Nirako.

"Umm... actually I have some uh... meat... to dry. Yeah, meat to dry!" My younger sister said, running off.

Ugh that brat, she so did that on purpose.

Ikken looked at me, knowing my discomfort.

"Sorry Eli." He said, shrugging and looking the less sorry ever.

He helped me stand up, and I tossed my ego away and turned to him.

"Did you see Lilith, I started, uh I mean, Lilian

- Yea, she was in her tent, doing some laundry, we got water a few hours ago." He said, smiling softly.

"Can you bring me to hers?" I asked, giving him puppy eyes.

I saw him about to break but he crossed Old Lady Jina's hard stare.

"No, you need to rest, but I can go get her as soon as you get to bed.

- That won't be necessary." A familiar soothing voice said from behind

"Lilith!" I said, turning around quickly and squealing as my arm stung.

"Kati told me you were back as I was about to leave, so I thought I'd pass here on the way, I'm going to the Gardens. I'll be back before sundown." She smiled.

I looked at my older, biological sister for a second.

"Alright, be safe." I spoke after a while.

"Bye Kiddo!" Lilith said turning around and leaving.

"Hey! You're only 3 years older that's uncool!" I yelled at my sister's back. She chuckled and didn't turn back.

Suddenly, I felt my feet being sweeped off the ground and I let out a small yelp. I looked at Nirako, who had just taken me in his muscular arms. I sigh.

"Alright then if that's how you want to do." I was in no mood to argue with him on that day, since our fights were frequent and I started seeing a pattern to them. He brought me to my tent and laid me on the bed.

"Hey Eliza?" Nirako fumbled with his thumb, like he always did when he was anxious.


- I'm sorry, he said, I really am.

- For what?

- All I've done... anyways getting in fights with you, flirting with a bunch of girls and all

- Okay." I looked at him, my eyes saying I was accepting his apologies, but not forgiving him.

He looked down. The boy I had in front me looked nothing like the fuckboy he usually was. I melted.

"I forgive you." I spoke barely above a whisper, but I knew he heard it loud and clear. Nirako smiled and looked up.

"You should get some rest, he said, kissing me on the forehead, I'm going to go rest as well."

He left the tent without another word. As I watched him leave, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Hope you guys like it so far :) much love!

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