Eliza ; Daily

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We had been in the cells for a few days already and everything passed in a blur. Some sort of food was given to us. I prefered not to wonder what was in that food and I ate it fast, as my stomach was growling.

They gave us food, we waited, we got visited by a Captain, probably daily rounds they had, we waited, were brought to train and went to sleep. Everyday.

I didn't get much sleep. I spent all my time worrying about Kati. I hoped she didn't try to go after us. I also hoped she was fine. Dark thoughts consumed my mind as I was about to fall asleep every night I'd been there. Add to that the fact that the bench-beds we had were too small for me, so I had to sleep in a very uncomfortable position.

Jules and Zack, on the other hand, slept soundly every night. It was probably because they'd been there their entire life.

I woke up one morning to my head throbbing. I sat down and stretched my entire body, as I had beem sleeping in a curled up position.

I let out a small wince as my head felt like bursting. I saw, near my cell, three girls and two boys leaning against the wall and staring right at me. I glanced around and saw Lilith in a ball at the far corner of her cell. She was wide awake. I shifted my attention back to that little bunch of people and stared back at them. I have a gigantic ego, so there was no way I'd loose a staring contest.

"What do you want?" I asked, not breaking eye contact.

"Everyone is talking about that fighter girl and we wanted to know what she was all about." One girl snickered.

I felt drips of blood run down my face.

"And I guess that making my head bleed in my sleep was a part of 'checking what I was all about.'" I shot back.

I was always very fast with comebacks, making the others around me very irritated.

"Yeah, exactly. It took us a while to find you, though. They wouldn't tell anyone where you are." The smallest guy said, smirking.

"What's up with Haites and smirking?" I muttered under my breath.

"What?" The highest pitched voiced girl said.

"What do you even want from me? You guys are children, what did I even do to you?" I asked them, raising my eyebrows.

"You? Nothing, but everyone finds you 'oh-so-cool' so we wanted to fuck you up a bit, so that you wouldn't get all the attention from him again." The tallest girl leaned against the wall.

Something struck me. Her eyes were two different colours, one was greenish blue and the other one was a bright yellow.

"What? Who's he? And who even are you? You guys are like... kids..." I replied, not understanding what she meant by 'him' or that I grabbed his attention. Jeez I didn't mean to stress some 14 year-olds.

"I'm Marika. And for your information, I'm 15." She said.

Exactly what I said, kids.

"Him, you asked, is Kyojin. Oops, sorry, I forgot, it's Captain Soji for you." Another girl snickered. They all chuckled fakely.

Oh my heckers, I didn't ask for more teenage drama for God's sake.

"I don't get you. I arrived here about a week ago, I don't have anything to do with your Captain." I replied, wishing for them to leave so I could lay back down with my thoughts on the hard surface.

Lilith stood up and mimicked their position on the wall of her cell, next to her tiny bench-bed.

"So that Captain is 15 years of age?" She laughed.

My ego shattered. I got destroyed by some 15 year-old. Ouch.

"Nah, he's 19, why? Are you another fangirl?" Marika spoke, cutting off the other guy who tried to speak.

My sister laughed again.

"Me? No. I'm the less straight person you'll ever meet, but oh jeez." She had another fist of laughter. "I feel like I'm being super rude, laughing of children, but he's 19 and a guy. He sees you as nothing other than kids. You haven't even gotten through puberty, hell!" She said, looking at them in despair.

I let out a sigh of relief as my ego slowly reconstructed itself.

"Why are you relieved, fighter girl?" The only guy who hadn't said a thing yet said.

"Because my ego was hurt for a second. Being beaten by a child, that would've been a shame. But knowing he's basically my age, I don't really care." I simply stated the truth.

Marika stepped frontwards and opened the door to my cell.

How did she even do that? Meh probably some key.

She grabbed me by my collar and tried to lift me against the wall. I raised an eyebrow as my body wouldn't even raise by a millimetre.

"Ugh. Kevin, beat her up." She said, releasing my shirt and walking out.

You what, priss? Giving up already?

The taller guy came in. He was shorter than me by an inch.

Kinda pathetic when you try to bully someone taller than you, boy.

He threw a punch which I quickly blocked. I tackled him to the ground without much strenght. I threw a punch staight to his nose and I heard a crack. As I was about to throw another one, someone grabbed my arm.

"I think that's enough, ay?" A familiar tone rang. That voice I heard only once but I knew I couldn't forget.


wHo Do YoU tHiNk ThE vOiCe Is?¿?

Oof, help, this was terrible.


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