Kati ; New

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Everything about that place was so different from home. I woke up in the morning and saw a bunch of clothes which all fit me in the drawers. Food was delivered to my door and, surprisingly, it was good. Eliza knocked on my door after I had finished eating.

Well someone has timing.

We went out and walked through the endless corridors. She said she wanted to bring me somewhere.

"It's so weird, being aloud to walk around without any guards." She exclaimed.

"You weren't aloud to walk around without guards?" I asked her. I had missed her honesty and her speaking manners. Spending about a month with Old Lady Jina as only talking companion really was tiring.

"Nope. That or a Captain. I walked around with Kyojin a lot. Oh speaking of Kyo, yesterday after we dropped you off at your room, he asked me why we didn't look alike at all. That's when I realized, I think Lilith and I both forgot to mention that you weren't our biological sister but whatever." She stated. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Where is he? Isn't he with you?" I asked her.

"Well as much as I appreciate his existence and I love him, we're not always together, ya know. He had a meeting with the other Captains this morning. He said he'd meet up with us in the indoor garden and he'd try to drag Shi along." Eliza explained.

"Who?" I asked.

"Shi. What's his name already? Oh right! Hei-wana? Yeah. Heiwana Shizuka. He's Kyo's friend and another Captain. He's kind of a priss at first but he's passable after that." She said as we walked in the most magnificent place I ever laid my eyes on.

"Woah!" I gasped at the sight.

"I know right! It's so pretty." Eliza agreed. "Lilith loved it, even though she preferred Hime's personal garden." She sigh.

"Hey, let's not get all sad. You know that's not what she would've wanted." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You're right." She cheered up and showed me around the place. We sat down at a place which she called her favorite. It was under a tree near a pond, where little fishes were swimming.

"Eliza!" A voice I didn't recognize called out to my sister. It was a guy, but it wasn't her bond.

"Never thought we'd see you here." A girl said, smiling.

"Eh? Why wouldn't I come back here?" She crossed her arms.

"Alright, alright, we followed you." The girl admitted.

They were both Sylphees and had very dark hair. They were holding hands.

"Umm... 'Liza, who are they?" I asked, slightly tilting my head to the side.

"That's Jules and Zack. They were cell buddies when we first arrived here." Eliza shrugged.

"I'm Kati, Eliza's sister." I smiled.

"Hey, I don't wanna sound rude, but why is your hair purple?" Zack asked.

"Zack!" Jules smacked his arm.

"What? You were wondering that too!" He argued.

I chuckled.

"We're not biological sisters, but I don't remember my parents." I quickly explained.

I really didn't. When Eliza found me, I was half dead already. I remember nothing from before the moment I opened my eyes and Eliza was giving Lilith twenty reasons why they should keep me. I didn't remember my name either, so Lilith called me Kati.

"I remember you waking up to Lilith and I arguing to keep you. You were so confused." Eliza said, smiling.

I learned a lot about Zack and Jules, about as much as they learned about me. After a while Eliza's bond arrived.

"Hey!" He called sitting down. "I tried to convince Shi to come with but he's been in a bad mood lately." He shrugged.

"I'm kinda glad he didn't come if he's in a bad mood." Jules muttered, clearly uncomfortable.

"You guys are scared of him? He just seemed like a very pretentious person at first but now I don't really care. I mean Lilith got him to surrender once so..." Eliza shrugged.

"He has his reasons and his past. You really shouldn't judge a book by his cover." Kyojin said, as if he knew something we didn't, which was probably the case as they probably have known each other for far longer than us.

"Hmm, so Lilith was right when she said that he probably went through some stuff that made him a priss." Eliza slowly nodded.

"You guys are talking about some dude I've never met and from what you're saying you're not praising him too much. Especially you, Eliza." I said, looking at my sister.

"Yeah, sorry I guess I'm being a little rude, he's honestly chill once you get to know him, like he's a genuine person I guess he just has his shit going on." She scratched the back of her neck.

"Dude you weren't a little rude, you were completely destroying him." Zack pointed out.

"Eesh, alright, I'll work on that. But I swear he's nice! Those were just my first impressions!" She raised her hands a little.

"Well I mean, provocating him the first time you met wasn't a power move on your part, Eliza." Jules stated.

"Especially when we had just warned you about him." Zack reinforced her sayings.

"Warned her about who?" A person who I didn't recognize asked.

"Gee, why do you keep appearing when we talk about you?" My sister pressed a hand to her chest, as if she had the worst jump-scare of her life.

"I guess I do that. And I'll admit, I'm not the best at first impressions." He grinned.

"Now, how did you go from "I'm gunna kill everyone" to "I'm a butterfly" in a span of fifteen minutes?" Kyojin butted in.

"Harsh. I had a good old coffee to keep me going, you know?" The guy just shrugged.

"Ugh coffee. Haven't had that in a million years." I sighed.

"Dude you haven't had that in a year because I completely forbade you and we didn't exactly have the money to buy coffee when we were in a full on war." Eliza answered me.

"That's 'cause you don't like coffee!" I replied, crossing my arms.

"So I'm guessing this is the sister Kyojin told me about." He looked at me for a few seconds before I replied.

"Boy, I'm not a "this" I'm a woman." I told him calmly.

"Kati you're sixteen, you're no woman, you're a girl." Eliza deadpanned.

"Ouch, my ego." I replied.

She smiled. I felt very happy, there, with my sister, new friends and my bond.

Wait a minute, my bond?


Welp spoilers heheheheheh.
I wanna play beat saber now...

~Eloooooo con una estrella

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