Eliza ; Siblings

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I leaned against the closed door, smiling.

"Look at you, such a puppy in love." Lilith teased, giggling.

"Shut up." I said, still smiling.

"You're still smiling." She pointed out, smirking.

"Meh, I'm really not in the mood to be triggered right now." I shrugged.

"Woah, woah, woah, there. Is that really my little sister?" She pressed her hand to my forehead and shook me. "Who are you and what have you done to my weird fighter sister? I swear if you possessed her body I won't forgive you!"

"Umm, Lilith, I'm still me. Sorry, but I'm just in a weird mood right now." I smiled at my sister.

"What is your weird mood calling for?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A walk." I said, surprising myself.

Now why the hell would I want to take a walk in a place I'm not exactly welcomed.

"Uhh, alright... Let's go?" Lilith hesitated.

We stepped outside and told the guards what we wanted. They agreed. As we were about to leave, I glanced at E257.

"Wait." I called out.

"What now?" Lilith sighed.

"How about we invite them?" I suggested, still looking at their door.

"Yosh!" Lilith said, skipping over to their door.

Why is she acting like such a child today?

She knocked twice before Jules opened, grinning. As they talked for a few minutes, I leaned against the wall, thinking.

"Alright! Let's go!" Jules exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my thoughts. The four of us walked around, followed by two guards. The two other guards stayed to guard the doors.

We somehow ended up in a vast interior garden. It was bright and green, with a lot of flowers, trees and a few fountains. That place was undoubtedly the prettiest place in the entire mountains. There were a few Haites here and there, reading books or listening to music. It was such a peaceful place I felt really great. We chatted for a while, sitting in the grass.

"Zack, you're quite the womanizer, aren't ya? Hanging out with three girls." Jules teased him, smiling.

"Tch, I'm not into guys so that drops to two." Lilith said.

"And I'm not into you, so that drops to one." I said, smirking slightly.

"Uh! You're not into me?" Zack played around, bringing a hand to his chest in a fake-insulted way.

"Nope." I bluntly stated, shoulder bumping him playfully.

"So you got a boyfriend soon, 'Liza?" Jules asked me, still smiling, like insinuating something.

"Tch.." I replied, flicking her off.

"That's no in 'Liza language." My sister explained, chuckling.

I felt myself blush a bit.

"Tch, and now she's blushing." She added.

"Could you not?" I said, looking up.

I immediately met with a pair of bright blue eyes. He was at the other side of the garden. Like in a trance, I stayed there, trapped in his gaze. I couldn't even think straight.

I suddenly felt a pinch on my arm, and I whipped my head around to face my aggressor. It was Lilith, smiling sheepishly at me.

"You were staring." She stated the obvious.

"Ya, I know." I replied, feeling my face heat up.

"You really got no shame, do you?" Zack said, looking back at him for a second before looking back into our circle.

"Depends." I shrugged.

"When did you ever have shame?" My sister questioned.

"Nirako?" I replied in an unsure tone.

"Yeah, that is someone to be ashamed of. He told a bunch of people, while you were gone fighting, that he found a bond. I thought it was you for a while, but I realized it wasn't." Lilith said, shaking her head.

"Meh, it's Olika, heard it after I gave him a third chance." I shrugged.

"Okay, hold up, who's this Nirako dude and what'd he do?" Jules interrupted us.

"Nirako is my ex... kinda?" I said.

We'd never been official, so I couldn't really say we were dating, but we had kissed quite a few time. And he had kissed quite a few girls as well.

Freaking manwhore. Why can't I just be gay? Girls are pretty chill. Well I mean Kyojin is pretty chill too. Wait, what?

"An asshole." Lilith added.

"Watch your profanities, young woman." Zack said, crossing his arms.

I felt a stare practically burning hole through my back. In that exact moment, my brain decided to remember that Haites had a pretty good hearing as well, even if it wasn't as good as ours. In this pretty silent, indoor garden, he most likely heard it all. Great.

Of course just talk about your pseudo ex in front of your crush you idiot. Wait, no, I don't have a crush. Tch, of course I do, who am I tryna kid? And we're most likely bonded, if I recall properly. That would explain a lot.

"Tch, he may be an ass, but I'm stronger than him and he knows it." I smirked.

"Um, 'Liza, you're bragging." Lilith warned me.

"Oops, sorry." I replied, smiling.

Someone behind me cleared their throat. I looked back and saw Shi, standing there.

What a wingman.

"May I borrow Eliza for a second?" He asked sharply.

I stood up.

"You have one second. My time is precious." I replied.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." I gave up.

We left the garden and entered a small cramped corridor.

"Sorry if I'm so rude to you all, I have a reputation to maintain."

"What? The reputation of a jerk?" I sassed.

"The reputation of someone strong." He muttered.

"What did you need me for?" I asked, sighing.

"I don't need you for anything." Shi replied.

"Then why-" I started.

"Kyojin wants to see you. He seems to be very serious about it." He looked at me through his glasses. He looked so pure and innocent in that moment, I wondered what Kati would say about him for a second.

"We're there." He said, opening a door to a pretty large room.

He was there, leaning against the wall.

"Thanks, Shi. You can go." His voice rang softly.

As Shi closed the door, Kyojin turned to me.



I have one thing to say : UnRaVeLiNg ThE wOrLd!¡!

Now if you got that reference, I love you, and if you didn't, I still love you, but I'm dissapointed. That song's been playing in my headphones for like two days now.


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