Eliza ; Mountains

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I woke up around noon. I slowly scanned my surroundings and after making sure the coast was clear, jumped down the large plant. I observed the plain that started at the edge of the Forest. It was rocky and was scattered with cibles. Training grounds. I was at my destination. As I was about to cross the grounds, a bunch of flying creatures flew in. After a closer look, I realized they were Haite. I was confused. Never had I seen a flying Haite. Then, I remembered something my father once told me.

"There are four types of Haite. The Volcanos, The Forests, The Seas and The Mountains. The latters are the ones we fear. They represent the element of Air. I heard they have wings, but I never saw one deploy them in front of my eyes. The Volcanos are Fire, Forests are Earth and Seas are Water."

He was always trying to teach my sister and I so much, even though we were young, under my mother's amused stare.

I snapped my attention back to the scene in front of me. They were now on the ground and some of them were chatting while fighting and others were just training. I tried spotting their Captain, but I couldn't. After two hours of looking at them from my tree, they took a break. They all seemed so carefree, like their race didn't kill over half of mine in the past decade. That made my Rage stirr. I couldn't stand seeing them so normal when they killed so many. I decided I would kill at least one of them before dying.

I spotted the youngest one in the bunch. He was hanging back a little, quite close to my tree, actually. Once my target was spotted I drew out my twin daggers and silently jumped down. No one shifted from their occupation.

Good, they didn't notice me.

I ran toward the boy and tried to pass my daggers in front of him to slash his throat. Keyword; tried, because he grabbed both my arms and flipped me over, all without looking at me. I landed with a thump, which brought everyone's attention to me.


"Ow" was the only thing I managed to say.

Wow pathetic. I'll get killed and my last word will be "ow".

"That was cool, Captain, none of us saw her coming." One of the guys said.

Captain? He was a Captain?

In that exact moment I knew that I shouldn't have gone for him. But, of course, my luck made it that the youngest was the Captain.

A bunch of other dudes agreed.

"What the hell?" I muttered, once my breathing was evened out.

"What? It's surprising to see someone so young being a captain, ay?" He spoke.

I sat myself up and gave him the best death glare I could manage. He stepped back.

"If looks could kill I'd be long dead." He said, looking at me anxiously.

"Oi, Captain, do you think it's the fighter girl Captain Totsuzen spoke of?" One of the men spoke. There was a sea of white haired males around me.

"Maybe, probably, the girl he captured seemed to know that one, so let's figure it out." He answered. Then, he slowly made his way closer to my seated figure.

"You know a Lilian?" The Captain asked me.

"What did you do to her?" I asked, not dropping the death glare for a single second.

"Me? Nothing. But Totsuzen put her behind bars. Do you want to meet her faith?" He asked, smirking.

"You make me want to slap that smirk outta your face." I answered, getting up.

His laugh filled the air around me.

I swifly brought out my sword and slashed the throat of the man closest to me, other than the Captain. He fell to the ground, dead.

"Oh, believe me, I would dare." I said venomously.

A bunch of people began to speak at the same time.

"Kyojin, do something!" An older guy spoke up.

"That was my little brother she killed!" Another one said.

As I heard those words, guilt washed over me. Of course, he was an Haite, but he still had a family. And I took him away from them. A tear rolled down my cheek.

He shushed them all before turning to me.

"Why- what?" He said, noticing the state I was in.

I wiped my tears away furiously. I never once cried in front of my Village's people, but now, facing stangers, I let myself go? I chuckled dryly.

"Um- bring her to the cell...?" The Captain said, like unsure of what to do.

"I'll see you later, Eliza." He then added.

"How the heck do you know my name?" I asked while some men placed my arms behind my back roughly.

"Lilian said it. You can tell her that Captain Soji sent you there, and if Totsuzen goes to her, to tell him that I did it." He replied.

The men brought me to the mountains and I gave up on struggling. I hung my head low and let them bring me through the dirty under undergrounds. I then got brought to a large door, guarded buy two drunk looking dudes.

"Orders of Captain Soji. Bring the Sylphee to a cell."

They opened the door with a handprint. Technology.

I was thrown in a cell and stayed there, unmoving.

"Hey, are you alright? Who are you?" A very familiar voice called through the darkness.

"Lilith!" I whispered, still not moving.

"'Liza? No. No, no, no, no, no!" She said grabbing the bars between our cells before dropping them, swearing.

"How did you get here? What happened?" She asked anxiously.

"Lilian. Who is it?" Another voice spoke through the darkness.

"It's my sister, Eliza." Lilith answered, still looking at me.

"I'm so stupid, Lilith, so stupid." I muttered, laughing humourlessly.

"What did you do? God, 'Liza, why did you even come here?" I could discern the concern in her voice.

"I came to get you. I knew you weren't dead, so I came. But on the training grounds, a squad was... they were training and I, like an idiot, targeted the youngest of the bunch, but turns out he was the Captain." I said, still laughing dryly.

"Eliza, oh Eliza." My sister dissapointely said.

"Which Captain?" A male's voice spoke from a bit further.

"That's Zack, and the one you heard earlier was Jules. We're the only ones in that part of the prison." Lilith quickly explained.

"As I said, which Captain?" Zack insisted.

"He said... he said Captain Soji." I replied.

He let out a breath of relief.

"You're lucky, kid. You didn't get Shi. I never got his full name but everyone calls him Shi, he's the youngest and harshest Captain out there." The boy explained.

"I'm relieved. Shi likes to torture his victims before killing them. He brings death everywhere he goes. That's why they call him Shi." Jules spoke before a creak was heard.

The door of the prison had opened, bringing a bright light in, making me squint. A silhouette was painted out in the brightness.


This is the longest chapter I made yet. I hope y'all like it, I mean, I do, but no one around me does. It makes me sad.


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