Eliza ; Cells

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The silhouette moved towards us.

"I heard my name being called." He chuckled.

Jules and Zack cowarded to the back of their cells while Lilith and I awkwardly stayed there. He looked younger than me, barely older than Kati. I wondered why they were so scared. He looked at us four before laughing again. Psycho.

"You look older than me. Fun." He said, looking at me.

"You as well." He moved on to Lilith.

"And you also." He added, looking at Jules.

"And- oh. A guy. I don't like those. They're no fun. They don't scream." He finished, looking straight into Zack's eyes, who looked away on the spot.

"Are you saying because I'm a girl I scream?" I asked, insulted.

His head snapped towards me.

"You're lucky I appreciate Kyojin, or else I would've killed you on the spot." He snarled before turning around and leaving, slaming the metal door behind him.

"Asshole." I said once he left.

"Hey, give him a chance. He's probably been through some shit when he was young. That's probably why he's such a bitch. He had to do so to survive." My sister analyzed. "I'm sad for him. He could've been such a nice boy." She added before sitting down on the small metal bench/bed, which was the only piece of furniture in the cell.

"Why did you do that?" Zack whisper-yelled to me.

I didn't even have time to answer that Jules butted in.

"That was dangerous Eliza! You're lucky Captain Soji is the only person he respects because what he said was true. Those weren't just threats, they were facts!"

"Wait, I'm confused, didn't he mention a Kyojin or something?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

"That's Captain Soji's first name. Only Captains can call each other by their first names and not all of them do. Never, and I insist, never call a Captain by his first name, unless he lets you!" Zack said.

They both looked scared shitless. I realized that a mad Captain must be bad if they were so terrified.

We stayed there for a few more hours, silently chattering about our lives back in the open.

I learned that Jules and Zack were from the same Village, one they didn't remember, and got abducted by the Haite at the age of four. I also learned that their mothers were friends, but after being in the Mountains for so long, they had forgotten their names and faces, having no one to remind them. Through the darkness that seemed to be fading, only because my eyes had gotten used to the dark, I noticed that they were still fairly tanned.

"How are you tanned if you've been in a cage for so long?" I asked.

"Who said we stay in these all the time?" Jules replied by a question to my question.

"I thought we couldn't get out of-" I started, before Zack cut me off.

"They get us out at sundown for some training. They don't want us to die from having no muscles. Somehow we still get a bit of colour from those daily activities." He explained.

"There are only one or two Captains supervising, since we are only twelve in the entire prison, fourteen now that you two are here. They make sure we don't run away or try anything." Jules added, once her companion had stopped.

"Didn't you say you were the only ones in here?" I asked, as confused as I could get.

"The only ones in this section. There are three other sections." Jules chuckled at my confusion.

We went back to a comfortable silence, each of us in our thoughts.

The metallic door flung open, revealing four buffed Haites. They each opened one of our cells and got us out.

"Training." One simply stated, dragging Lilith by the arm. I wanted to tell him not to hurt MY sister, but I kept my mouth shut, knowing that if I did, he'd only hurt her more.

We eventually got to an outdoor training ground. I scanned my surroundings, only to realized it wasn't the one I arrived at. This one was surrounded by tall mountains. The door we came out of slammed shut and by a quick glance, I noticed it was installed in the rocks. It then hit me. They didn't just live on the Mountains, they actually lived IN them.

Holy flippers. That's cool!

My attention was brought back when everyone bowed down. I quickly followed their move and looked up. Two Haite were in front of us and motioned for everyone to get back up. I guessed they were the Captains. We all stood up.

"I see we have a newbie!" He said, looking at me.

"Another one! Two days in a row? Cool!" The other one added.

"I'm Captain Watsuki. I had the great chance-" he looked at us in disgust. "- to be your superviser."

The one who spoke first looked at us all for a few awkward seconds.

"And I'm Captain Hana." He finally said.

"Training started. You have two hour, do what you want." Captain Watsuki stated before jumping on a rock where he sat, soon followed by Captain Hana.

When a few people started murmuring together, I realized we were aloud to talk so I went to Lilith.

"What do you even do? You never fought at home." I asked.

"I just punch in a punching bag." She said shrugging and walking towards the so called punching bags. I grabbed her wrist.

"Let me teach you!" I said, my eyes shining with excitement.

She sigh.


We went to the punching bags and I started by showing her the basics ; how to throw a correct punch, where to hit, how to block and counter-attack, things like that.

After about an hour, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to be face to face with Captain Watsuki.



Jkjk it ain't that deep, she's the damn protagonist, would she really die fifth chapter? I don't think so. Omg that was a SpOiLeR!¡!¡!

I'm tired and I feel sick if you hadn't noticed through that burst of craziness.


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