Kyojin ; War

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I looked at Eliza, who was already fast asleep. It hurt me. I could feel her pain, more than she even could. I let her sleep and went to my paperwork. I couldn't concentrate. Someone knocked at the door.

Tch. Can't I spend a day without seventeen people knocking at the door?

"Enter." I replied.

One of my squad members entered.

"The new Queen wants to see you." He told me.

"Who? There's a new Queen?" I asked, confused.

"The Princess. She's the Queen now." He said.


I got up and followed him through the corridors. He brought me to the Queen's quarters, even though I knew the way already. I knocked.

"Hime?" I asked.

"Come in." Her voice cracked half way through.

I entered and saw her, curled up in a ball in the corner of her room. I went next to her and hugged her.

"Ne, Hime, what's wrong? You wanted to see me?" I asked her.

"I'm the Queen now." She mumbled.

"Or so I heard. How come?" I ran a hand through her hair.

"I killed him." She said. Her voice was slightly croaky, proof that she spent a lot of time crying.

"You did?" I wasn't even surprised.

"I'm stopping the war." She added.

"What?" I looked at her, questioning her through my gaze.

"My dad started it like a hundred years ago, I'm stopping it now." She replied nonchalantly. Over the last few day she lost her bond and her father, yet she found a way to seem like she didn't care. I smiled.

"Thank you." I told her.

"What?" She glanced at me.

"Thank you. For stopping the war." I told her.

"Can you do something for me?" She suddenly asked.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Simple, my dad started the war. The only other person who knew his motive..." I cut her off.

"I'll go ask him." I stood up, very curious as well.

"Mmkay, thanks! Please come tell me afterwards." She looked up at me. I smiled.

"I will!"

I took off, on a new mission. I got to the Old Captain's office and knocked thrice on the door.

"What is it, Soji?" His voice rang from inside.

"Questions. Order from the Queen." I told him, shrugging even though he couldn't see me.

"Come in." He told me.

I walked in his office. It still baffled me, how clean and organized everything was. His files were classed in alphabetical order and were neatly placed in a bookshelf like furniture in the back of the room. Totsuzen laid back in his chair.

"She wanted to know why her father started the war." I said, without taking seven thousand hours to explain like Hime was about to do earlier.

"Interesting. Take a seat." He motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I sat exactly where he told me.

"Alright, so, about two centuries ago, the King found his bond. She was crowned Queen not even a week later. The King loved her and did everything for her. She kinda abused that power she had and was always rude and harsh on people, speaking from experience. This unfortunately resulted in arguments. The Queen got arguments after arguments, but the King was always holding her back. She was a Hybrid, half Sylphee, half Haite, so she went back to her home village to visit her sick mother. Makes you believe even the worst people have soft spots for their mothers. Anyway, that's when it happened. She got in a terrible argument, while on a hike with a few people, and pushed someone to the ground. That person's bond was furious and pushed her, but she tripped and fell down a cliff, where her death awaited. The King learned it about a week and a half later, and since her killer, even though it was accidental, was a Sylphee, he promised he'd dedicate his whole life for his vengeance. He never found another bond, but still found a woman who he thought was alright and conceived a child with her, to assure his descendance."

"That's so stupid. If your bond dies you don't go and start a war!" I exclaimed, slightly dumbfounded.

"Well, that's how powerful bonds are, kid, Her Majesty knows."

"Yeah, but Hime only killed the person who killed her bond. She didn't start a war against all dang Haites, because one killed her bond!" I told him.

"Well, you can't change the past, can you?" He asked me.

"No... okay thank you. I'll take my leave now." I stood up and placed the chair back before leaving the room. I decided to pass by my room to check up on Eliza. As I entered, I saw her looking out of my only window.

"Oi, Kyojin, I'm gunna go back to my room to clean up her things." She said, turning to face me.

"Do you want me to join you?" I asked her.

"If you want." She shrugged. "I don't really care." She murmured. My heart clenched.

"I'm coming with you." I said.

"Alright." Eliza stood up, barely looking at me.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"You know." She replied, stepping into the corridor.

"Alright lemme reformulate. What's wrong?" I grabbed her wrist. She spun around.

"Jules and Zack passed by. They told me." She looked straight in my eyes.

What did I not tell her?

"Told you what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding me?" She glared.

"No?" I said hesitantly.

"They told me that Hime was the new Queen."

"Woah, there, I learned that this morning! And what's so bad about it?" I asked her, slightly stepping back.

"Well, if you didn't know, I have a little sister and I'd like to go see her. Hime will let me out, won't she?" She took a step towards me as she spoke.

"I-I guess." I told her.

We turned the corner and I saw Totsuzen about to enter Eliza's room.

"Woah, there what are ya doing?" I called out before jogging up to the door.

"We're taking the dead Sylphee's things. Order of the Queen." He sternly replied.

"What? And what about Eliza? What if she wants some of her sister's things?" I argued.

"Orders of the Queen. You can take your bond's things and move them to your room. This room is going to go back to being unused." He stared at me, almost daring me to say more.

I looked back at Eliza and saw her standing a few feet back, her eyes empty, gazing at Totsuzen's men, who were leaving the room with boxes.

Damn it, not again.

I thought this was gunna be the last chapter but I guess not at all. I can't wrap up as good as I thought I could, dang.
~Elo, the best Froggo.

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