Lilian ; Her

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"You seem peaceful." Hime called out. I looked up at her from my spot on the grass.

"This place is perfect." I mumbled, in a transe. Her angelic chuckle echoed in my ears.

"Glad you like it, Lilith." She sat next to me, leaning against the same large tree as I was.

"Do you come here often?" I asked her. I was starting to warm up to the girl and during our time together, I had completely forgotten who I was talking to.

"I'm always here. It's my safe place." She smiled warmly. "You know, Lilith, I think you should come live with me." She suddenly added.

"What?" I was unsure I had heard properly.

"You heard me right." She assured me.

"Isn't that a bit straightforward?" I asked, smirking and raising and eyebrow.

"I've just felt it. We're bonded." She stared at me with her shining eyes.

I smiled, concentrating on my energy. Then, I found it. Our bond. We really were connected. Bonded. The thought of such a beautiful girl as Hime as my bond made me smile even more, if that was possible.

"You're now a princess as well, Lilith." She smiled.

"Right. I had completely forgotten." My voice drained. Me, a princess? I was not qualified for that much responsibility.

"You'll see. It's easier than it sounds. For the moment, my dad is the king, so I have nothing to do except listening to some lessons when I feel like going." She took my hand, sensing my distress. I grasped her hand, holding onto it as if my life depended on it.

"Alright." I mumbled "I trust you."

She smiled at me, while I mentally thanked whatever made us bonds. Even though we had just met a few hours prior, I felt connected to that girl as if we knew each other since we were kids. I jumped up.

"Wait how long have we been here?" I asked her, panicked. Eliza was probably back by now and ready to rip my head off. I know I would've ripped her head off if she left for long without telling me where.

"We've been here for about four hours." She said, cocking an eyebrow in silent questioning.

"Well my sister is not going to be happy." I mumbled.

"She doesn't know you're here. Come on, let's go. I wanna meet so called sister. She's Kyo's bond after all!"

"I almost forgot who that was again." I admitted, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, I'm not used to calling him 'Captain Soji' as we've been friends since much before he was Captain." My princess smiled before leading me back to the escalator.

"That is so cute." I said, grabbing her hand.

We went all the way back up and in her quarters.

"Honestly, this is so impractical, you have to go all the way up to go back down." I muttered once we got in the elevator.

"It kinda does suck, but at least I have that garden." She smiled.

We continued walking and as we were approaching the place where we met, I remembered a question which had been on my mind this whole time.

"Say, Hime..." I started off. She hummed, demonstrating her attention, before I continued. "On our way there, in the elevator, your eyes turned white. What happened?" I curiously asked.

"That was nothing important." She laughed, her angelic laugh echoing down the corridor.

"Alright." I dropped it, knowing she wouldn't tell me anything.

I glanced around as we turned the corner to my room's corridor. Right next to the door was Captain Soji, in conversation with someone inside, most likely Eliza. I suddenly got conscious of Hime's hand in mine, which I hadn't even felt get there. She smiled to me slight before calling out to her childhood friend.


He whipped his head towards us at the mention of his name.

"Speaking of the devil." He told my sister then glanced at our intertwined hands.

"Are you guys..." Captain Soji started.

"Bonded? Yup." Hime said, smiling widely.

The boy's eyes widened before he sprinted to us and picked her up.

"Finally!" He squealed. Eliza was now looking out the door and shot me a confused look. I tried suppressing a giggle, unsuccessfully. I earned two more confused glances, from my bond and her childhood friend.

"Sorry." I muttered, still giggling, "It's just that Eliza doesn't know who Hime is and the look she gave me was priceless." I explained myself, my laughter not dying down.

"Oh!" Kyojin realized. "She's my childhood friend."

"And my bond!" I bragged.

"Oh is she, now?" My little sister teased me.

"Yup!" I popped my p and threw my tongue out at her.

I could sense a feeling of uneasiness coming from my bond.

"Welp, I'm gunna go take a quick brisk shower." Eliza butted in.

"Alright, then. See you later, lovely." Her boy pressed a kiss on her forehead, before fleeing.

"Straights." Hime sighed.

"Straights." I agreed, chuckling.

"Well, I should get going." She mumbled. I still felt her unease lingering in the air.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to go see my father." Hime pinched her nose bridge.

"I don't see what's so terrible about that." I smiled to try and ease her.

"He's the one who started a war against your race. Now I have to tell him, one, that my bond is a girl and two, that she's a Sylphee." She threw me a panicked look.

"Well, good luck!" I engulfed her in a hug. "I'll be with you."

She raised her eyebrow while slightly pulling away.

"Well, mentally, that is." I added, chuckling.

"Mmkay." She childishly replied before turning around to leave.

"I love you." I muttered as she turned her back to me and took off.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I sighed as I closed the door to my room.

Don't fret. You're over thinking it.

Ya know, foreshadowing. Ya, that.


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