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jeongguk pov

i saw a woman pointing at me, i thought she'll be partner but i didn't care so i keep doing my business, suddenly a boy sit beside me.

fuck he's so beautiful~

i let my eyes roam into his body and examine him.

'maybe i can touch him wherever I want'

"uhmmm hi" the boy said and i heard his voice which is so fucking cute. god! that's how i am whipped to his voice

i smirk and said "i'm jeon jeongguk, what's your name cupcake?" i asked still smirking

"park jimin" he said and smiled at me.

his smile is so beautiful. his eyes disappears into cresents. fuck i'm so whipped for him

'can't wait to fuck you kitten'

Yoongi POV
"hey kid, do you know who i am" i told to the student who is pulling my sister's hair

"yoongi ah stop, he is just playing around" yoonji said fluently in english

"but no one touches my younger sister" i said fluently in english

"yoongi calm down" namjoon said

"yah hyung get off him" taehyung said

'this is not enough'

i punched his stomach and face as i threw him to the wall after that i went to our table.

well i don't give a fuck if he's injured or gonna be hospitalised. he just went through my nerves.


"yahh give me some respect you kid" i said fluently in english

"yah whatever" jeongguk said rolling his eyes

i look at this whole cafeteria and it's quite big.

you're thinking why i am speaking too much english?

well when we're young we had to be separated and yoonji has to stay in korea and i had to go to US where i can enjoy my life.. baby!

i looked to the table of my sister and i saw the person that i punched, i saw a person who is worried to him maybe his boyfriend?, i saw a girl who is really beautiful, i saw a cute guy with a glasses, i saw a handsome guy with broad shoulders, and i saw a person who looks like a fucking horse but fuck! he makes my heart beat so fast and it's beating loudly.

i don't know why but he makes my heart struck

i must know his name!

So this is chapter three

I know this is a boring chapter but please support this chapter and the book itself. Please do vote for it and give me feedbacks. Hehe

- Raizza😀


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