twenty three

61 4 0

namjoon pov

i drove jimin to jin's house and i can see the couple on the back cuddling each other

'damn i'm always third wheel here'

i rolled my eyes and called the two of them

"yah! we're here!" i nagged as jimin pouts

"ggukie i have to go now" jimin pouted which jeongguk did the same

i scrunched my face when i saw jeongguk pouts. he never does that shit i want to laugh so bad.

"bye jiminie i love you" jeongguk pecks his lips and jimin smiled

"i love you too" jimin said as i went outside and saw jimin goes the car too

i knocked on the door and waited till someone answered.

the door opened and i saw jin. his eyes widen but he smiled

jimin ran to him and hugged him tightly

"go inside jiminie, the dinner's getting ready" jin said and jimin immediately went inside

"seokjin ah, i would like to say thank you for treating tae's face" i said shyly and trying my best not to stutter

'what in the actual fuck is happening to me?!'

"oh it's nothin and tae's face is pretty fucked up" jin laughed which i laughed too

'dang his laugh is so funny'

i immediately stopped when he saw me laughing too

'he shouldn't see that'

"i made you laugh" jin giggles but i shook my head

"no you didn't" i lied and my face went back from being poker

i saw his eye saddened, my hearts starts to sting tho.

'what the fuck are you doing to me kim seokjin?!'

"well i just already drive jimin off here, so i have to go now good bye" i mumbled and goes to my car


i chuckled and went inside the car. i saw jeongguk smirking at me.

"it's not what your thinking kid" i told jeongguk

he scoffs "if you say so" jeongguk said and leans on his seat


"hey." i turn around to see jin, smiling widely at me. waving his hands.

looking so handsome in his pink swe-

'hold the fuck up, what?'

"ah hey." i replied, smiling back at him.

"sorry i'm late though, need to cook breakfast for hoseok, jimin and yoonji." i told him it's okay as we sat in the park awkwardly.

"soooo, what do you wanna talk about?" he asked, after moments of silence. i rub the back of my neck and stared at his oh so beauti- at his eyes.

"i- uh, wait. fuck." i became nervous all of a sudden, he laugh a little and told me to go on.

"i just want to say sorry for my actions and thank you for what you've done." i sincerely looked at his eyes as he nodded.

"it's nothing though, apology accepted." he gave me two thumbs up, i shyly nodded and still decided to talk to him.

"i'm sorry for bugging you too though, i'm the one that's at fault." i shook my head, how can he say it's his when it's actually mine?

what kind of angel is he?

"no, it's not your fault, don't say sorry."i smiled awkwardly.

"i just don't like it when someone is following me around." he nodded his head in understatement.

"and i know that you liked me but you know that i'm kinda straight... but being a fucking gay when your around." i mumbled the last part, i can see the sadness in his eyes but he still nodded and force a smile.

"but we can still be friends right?" he tried to make his voice sound cheerful as possible.

"of course."

"you wanna eat at the min's though, i heard the pancakes is good there." he nodded his head as we got in my car.


"woah, it's beautiful here!" he excitedly said, i nodded and smile watching him at awe.

it's sure was beautiful here,

"should we order?" he nodded. i went to the counter and ordered for the two of us, my treat of course.

we sat down and started talking about stuff, he was kinda cool actually.

"the food is here." he look up to see pancakes being served.

after, it was all settled we dig in, laughs and chit chats can be heard as we both get comfortable with each other.

"good to meet you seokjin." i open the door for seokjin as he got out in my car.

"you too namjoonie, i'm happy i could finally meet you." he smiled once again, making my heart skipped a beat.

i shrug it off as i watch him walk to his house. with a final wave he went in.

it was good to finally have closure and be friends with seokjin.


triple update wah ! we're close to 1K reads >.<

please do vote and give me feedbacks,, it'll be appreciated

— rai !

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