Who're you?

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"Mom, do you know where Pidge is? Keith is about her age." Matt turned to his mother. Colleen shook her head disappointedly.

"Why don't you take them out and check the garage. If she's not in there, check the fields and forest. And if she's not there... I have no clue where she runs off to."

Matt thanked his mother and led the boys back through the door. He led them to a large building next to the house. It was dark inside, so Matt just kept on walking. We passed a barn full of hay and a chicken coop. Matt led us to a large riding ring. There was a speaker blasting 'My songs know what you did in the dark' by Fall Out Boy.

A girl was standing on a horse. But the horse was running around in a circle. The girl, Katie, Keith assumed, leaned backwards and landed in a bridge on the running horse. She stood back up and fell into the splits along the length of the horse. She did some amazing tricks to the beat of the song.

She's amazing. Keith thought. Katie adjusted how she was sitting so that she was sitting properly on the horse. She slowed it down and did a back handspring off of the horse. But she didn't land it. She ended up  losing her balance and falling out of the ring and into Keith's arms.

"Pidge. Really? You need to practise on the block first," scolded Matt.

"I did! You guys startled me," said Katie. "I can do it on the block no problem." Katie seemed to realize that she was leaning back on to Keith. She composed herself and crossed her arms.

"Uh-huh. Prove it." Matt pointed towards a block in the shape of a horses back. "Do all that again on the block."

Katie groaned and stalked off to the block. She went through her whole routine on the block, landing the back handspring. The three boys clapped and she had a small smile on her face. The girl didn't keep her smile for long though. She adjusted her big round glasses and led the horse away to a stall.

"She wasn't huge on you two coming over for the summer," Matt explained.

She brushed passed them and changed her shoes from gum boots to cowboy- sorry- cowgirl boots.

"I'm walking into town," she yelled to Matt. Matt seemed to get an idea.

"Why don't you take Keith and Shiro with you? I'm sure they'd like to see the town," he suggested.

"Actually Matt," started Shiro. "Is there anyway I could hit the hay for an hour or so? I've been driving for the last nineteen hours, non stop. But you could take Keith with you. He'll need something to do that isn't on his phone." He turned his attention to Katie.

"I'm just going to my friends house. There's not much to do there. I have to set up a new sound rig at Hunk's because Lance's family was annoyed with us playing the same songs over and over." Katie spoke fast, then turned on her heel and walked down the driveway.

Keith looked over at Shiro and Matt. Shiro made a 'shoo' motion to get Keith to follow the girl. Keith just shrugged his shoulders and followed after her. Katie turned back and rolled her eyes.

Keith saw that her eyes were an amber colour, with specks of green. She had auburn hair that shone a honey brown colour when the sun hit it, tied up in a side ponytail. Her cheeks and nose were brushed heavily with freckles. She was way too cute. Keith's heart beat in his chest a little harder than normal.

"It's a long walk. I'm not sure a city boy could make it without passing out," she spat.

"Do you hate me or something?" Keith picked up his pace and fell into lockstep with the girl. "I didn't even say one word to you before now."

"No, I don't hate you. You seem to hate it here though."

"Well- n- yeah. I don't really want to be here. I'd rather be back in Ohio, but I don't mean to be... mean," Keith tried to explain, stumbling over his words.

"It's fine."

They walked to the end of the road and took a left turn. Katie was right, it was a long walk, but Keith was determined to prove her wrong about him not being able to make it. Katie put in her earbuds and they finished their walk in silence.

They turned onto a long road, full of shops and cafes. Keith saw a small playground with a few children climbing on it. He was looking around at the small town and it's main road, and wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He didn't see when Katie turned down 1st street, until she was across the road.

He sprinted down after her and caught up as she turned into a driveway. There were two boy's waiting for her on the steps and they jumped up to hug her. Once she wiggled out of their grasp, the tall brown haired boy noticed Keith.

"Who're you?" he asked.

"That's Keith. My brother's friend's brother. He was sent with me to meet you guys. He and his brother are staying with us for the summer."

"Screw practice then!" shouted the larger boy. "We're showing him around!"

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