There's no way I'm wrong at this point.

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"Uhh... We need you two back onstage." Ms. Ryner announced over the P.A. "We're not ready with the show yet. You can do... that, afterwards"

Keith pulled away from Pidge, a large grin plastered on his face.

"Cat's out of the bag now, huh?" Keith chuckled. He released Pidge from his grip, and they quickly ran back onstage. Lance looked almost... angry, and Hunk was trying to calm the Cuban boy down.

"Right. Please welcome, once again, our main actors for the evening, Lance McClain, Kathryn Holt, Keith Kogane, and Hunk Garrett. They are willing to answer almost any question about the performance that will son be displayed, if Lotor ever finishes getting ready," she added under her breath, gaining a few chuckles from the four onstage. "Or even questions about the school and student body. Thank you."  With a small click, the P.A. system was shut off, and microphones were brought out for the four teens.

Someone in the audience raised their hand, and Hunk called on him, hoping to ease the growing tension between his three friends. The audience member was a young lady, and she asked who each of them were playing. Lance took the lead in answering this question, wanting to ignore Pidge and Keith. Keith thought the tall boy was being a bit over the top.

"I am playing the lead role, Alexander Hamilton," he started. "Hunk is playing John Laurens, a member of the quote, unquote, 'ragtag volunteer army,' Keith is playing Aaron Burr, and Pi- Kathryn is playing both Eliza Schuyler and Lafayette."

Pidge's confident stance faltered slightly when Lance used her real name, and Keith felt the urge to hug her, even though he was unable to do so at the time. He pronounced both Pidge and Keith's names with a steely tone. Another question was asked. How did Kathryn get two roles? Pidge answered this one.

"The original actress for Eliza, and her understudy, both got extremely sick on Saturday, and I had to step in. I was originally playing only Lafayette, but I received a call asking if I could fill in. Naturally I wasn't going to say no that close to the performance date," she said, clearly expressing how proud she was.

"Are you nervous?" someone shouted.

" One hundred percent," she laughed. "Guns and ships is the fastest song to ever have been performed on Broadway, and even though this isn't Broadway, it is still a very fast song. I am very afraid to sing- no, rap. The full audience doesn't help either." A few snickers arose from the crowd.

"Thank you students, for that introduction to our show. If we could have you backstage that would be wonderful."

The four of them ran off stage, and Lance's scowl didn't leave his face.

"Lance, buddy, it's all right," Hunk tried. Lance took a shaky breath and got in position behind Keith to enter the stage.

After singing through most all the songs with Lafayette, Pidge ran offstage quickly, and emerged on the other side of the stage looking nothing like she did only minutes before, with a different outfit and hairdo.

Keith started the beginning of The Schuyler Sisters, and Romelle as Angelica, sang along next to him. Then Pidge as Eliza, then Plaxum as Peggy.

There were some songs that Pidge had to choose between Eliza or Lafayette. It all depended on the importance of the character in that particular scene.

The Story of Tonight is and always has been Keith's favourite song, but with his best friends, and his beautiful girlfriend singing in it, it made it all that much better.

Then came the wedding scene. Now that they were onstage, and in the middle of a performance, Pidge couldn't back down. She held Lance's hands in her own, and when he leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips, she didn't fight it. Because she was acting, she had to, well, act. She didn't do anything over the top, and neither did Lance, to which Keith was grateful for. The jealous side of him was rising, and he fought to push it back down.

After the first act, Pidge was out of breath through the intermission, never truly regaining it after singing rapidly through Guns and Ships. Lance refused to talk to the two of them, and while Hunk suggested that they try to talk to him, Pidge turned away and stated that she didn't understand his issue.

Sure, they hadn't told him about their relationship, but to be fair, they hadn't told anyone yet. Pidge didn't understand, but Keith did. It was jealousy. Lance had wanted Pidge, and now Keith had her, and Lance was not okay with it.

Pidge stayed put as Keith went to talk to his friend.

"Hey man, look-"

"I don't want to hear it. How long have you two...? Or was that spur of the moment? Didn't look like it to me. It looked like there was something there. What the hell man?" Lance continued to ramble so much, it could almost put Pidge's rants to shame.

Keith rested his hand on Lance's shoulder, only to have it pushed away by Lance.

"You knew that I liked her. When I was going off in the change room? You could have told us. I think I'd be less pissed off." Lance turned away, and started getting ready to go back onstage.

After the second act, the four of them went out to Bailey's for milkshakes. They had another waitress because Romelle wasn't serving them today. This was a lady that none of them recognized, and she laughed subtly at Pidge's attempt to get the dress into a booth. Both Keith and Hunk had to help push down the crinoline under the dress to help her fit. Lance sat with his arms crossed, brooding in the corner.

They all ordered their milkshakes, and explained to the waitress why they were dressed like they were. She brought them their orders, and they completed their routine of drinking each other's milkshakes first.

"Alright Lance," Pidge started. "First off, you did great, I gotta say, I don't think anyone would have made a better Hamilton." She caught Lance's attention and he stared at her, his glower lightening slightly. "And second, suck it the hell up. You're acting like a child. What's the big deal anyway? That we didn't tell you about our relationship? News flash, we haven't told anyone. We aren't treating you any different, so stop acting like it. You still love us, so get over it. I'm not going to let a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship get in the way of the best relationship I've had with my best friend. So 'shut the hell your mouth,' get your broody ass over here and give me a hug, 'cause we all know I'm not getting this dress back in here."

Lance lifted himself from his seat and hugged Pidge tightly.

"I'm sorry. You're right," he mumbled, moving back into his chair.

"I know I am. I quoted a vine. There's no way I'm wrong at this point. That was like, two solid minutes of a ramble right there. So be our friend again, 'cause you know as well as I do that we all love you, and we ain't letting you go that easily."

The four of them laughed together, like nothing had happened at all. There was still a slight tension between Keith and Lance, and this might be what struck up their "rivalry," as Lance would put it. But that's a later story, for a later time.

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