I'm sorry. We couldn't...

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"What do you even want bitch?" Pidge asked, storming out of the water and marching over to stand a few meters away from Lotor and his group.

"Keith has something that I want." Lotor glared.

"Basic human decency?" Pidge asked. Keith saw her fantastic stink eye, and Hunk looked nervously between the two boys next to him, and Pidge's confrontation with Lotor.

"No. Lotor has more than Keith could ever dream of having, what, the poor little boy that lives on a farm? Anything Keith says or does would be nothing compared to Lotor,"

"You're like a walking advertisement." Pidge scoffed.

Lotor smirked condescendingly at Pidge. Kieth didn't like that look.

"I swear if you try anything I will kick your ass."

"Please," Axca started, crossing her arms. "What are you gonna do, headbutt us in the stomach. You're too small to do any damage." Axca grinned at Pidge deviously.

Pidge just smirked. Keith was slightly afraid, if not for Pidge than for Axca and Lotor.

"Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole."

Pidge started marching towards them, as they stood closer to the forest but she stopped when she stood in line with the first tree. Her head turned to the side, eyes locking on a very active, buzzing beehive.

Keith couldn't see what expression Pidge held, but he knew she was angered, just by their presence.

"Whatever you have to say, just say it. Anything to get you to leave sooner," she growled. Keith just barely saw Ezor come from the side to kick the beehive. She ran out of the way before the bees could get to her, but Pidge, standing so close, was attacked by several that had left the hive. Luckily, not all of them had left the hive, as Ezor hadn't kicked it hard enough to rattle the entire thing. Pidge slapped her neck as one stung her, and again on her thigh. She stood rigid momentarily.

"PIDGE!" Lance and Hunk screamed. Lotor and Ezor, followed by the others, ran to the car that they had arrived in.

The other three boys, who had stood by to allow Pidge to deal with the others herself, fought against the current as the small girl accompanying them fell to the ground.

"Hunk, grab the Pen from her bag, she's gone into anaphylactic shock!" Lance screamed, trying to fight back tears. "Keith! Call an ambulance! Right now or she's going to die!"

Hunk grabbed her backpack, and rooted through it. "It's not here!" he cried out.

"Fuck!" Lance yelled, checking her pulse and listening for her breath. Keith dialed 911 on his phone and frantically spoke into it, barely hearing himself over Lance yelling out, "She's not fucking breathing!"

Hunk cried as Lance checked all her vitals, while still rooting through everyone's bags, finally coming across the Epi-Pen Lance kept in his bag for his siblings or Pidge. He stabbed it into Pidge's thigh above a few scattered stings.

"It-it-it it's not working!" Hunk blubbered through his tears.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Lance screamed into the air as tears of his own started to flow. Pidge shot up with a gasp, and all three boys turned their attention to her as she choked up blood. Her skin had turned a sickly pale, even worse than it already was, before she passed out again, this time into Lance's lap. Her face had swollen up severely, and she was bright red in the cheeks, heavily contrasted to the whiteness in the rest of her face.

Keith explained the location to the operator over the phone, trying as hard as he could to keep a steady voice. "Hurry!" he screamed, unable to contain his fear.

"The ambulance is at least 10 minutes away, which means we have to make sure she's okay- FUCK!" Lance screamed. He seemed to like that word in the predicament. "She's not breathing!" He checked her pulse again and Keith watched as his face turned whiter than Pidge's. "She has no pulse," he almost whispered.

"What?" Hunk asked through sobs, still holding the Epi-Pen.


Hunk, Lance and Keith sat in the ambulance in silence as the paramedics worked to revive Pidge. Eventually Keith called Pidge's family, and Shiro, while Hunk and Lance called their parents to explain where they were.

They rushed her to the E.R, and the three boys were forced to wait in a secluded room in the lobby.

"Where's my baby!?" Colleen screeched as she ran through the doors.

"They have her in the emergency room. I think they said something about a surgery?" Hunk explained. Both Lance and Keith were too distressed to speak.

"I didn't know Pidge was allergic to bees," Keith said quietly to Lance.

"We didn't at first either," the Cuban boy explained. "She's allergic to almost everything. Pollen, bees, tropical fruit, dairy. She's too embarrassed by it to say anything."

"How did you find out?" Keith asked.

"She took a sip of Hunk's milkshake, and her face swelled up. She used an Epi-Pen in front of us, and when she could breathe, she explained each of her allergies."

"Wait, but she drinks dairy all the time. I've seen her. She drink's milkshakes for crying out loud." Keith raised his eyebrows.

Before Lance could answer, a woman dressed in scrubs entered the room.

"Mister and Missus Holt?" she started. "I'm sorry. We couldn't..."


I feel bad that it's so short, but we're getting to the end and I wanted to leave this one on a cliffhanger. Thanks to all of you that have stuck around for this, and all those that will stay for the rest. I could probably count the number of remaining chapters on one hand. 


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