There's someone else

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"Ta-da!" Lance spun around, his pink dress and messy blond wig flowing in the slight breeze of his movement. "I'm the sexiest damn Princess Peach alive." Keith chuckled at Lance's antics, and Hunk stood by the dressing room door, trying to coax Pidge out of the small enclosure.

"I'm sure it's not that bad Pidge. Can't be worse than how Lance looks."

"Screw you Hunk. I look gorgeous!" Lance hollered. They were in the costume shop of a nearby city, and they had managed to find the whole group a costume. Lance, Hunk and Keith's fit nicely, with the exception of Lance lacking the proper... leverage, for the dress to sit properly. Hunk's costume was a bit snug, but he didn't mind.

"Pidge, just let us see," Lance pleaded. Keith stayed quiet, leaving the two boys to get Pidge out on their own. He didn't want her biting his head off in the middle of the night. She knew where he slept. Pidge sighed and poked her head out of the room. On her head she wore a dark brown wig, rivaling Lance dark hair, and Luigi's hat. She slowly inched out of the small area and Keith had to pick his and Lance's jaws off the floor.

She wore a green crop top, blue shorts with gold buttons, and blue suspenders to match the shorts. On her legs were white sheer-material socks that pulled up to her thighs. On her feet were the wedged ankle boots that Allura had given her. With her gloved hands she toyed with the ends of the pigtails on her wig.

"Um, guys? I- uh, what do you think?" she asked sheepishly. "You know what, it's stupid. Lance, I'm never letting you pick my costume again." She turned on her heel and made to walk into the change room once again.

"No!" Lance and Keith shouted together.

"It looks great Pidge." Hunk patted her shoulder.

They paid for their costumes while still wearing them and Lance drove them to the Halloween dance at their school. They were planning to stay there for about an hour, then go trick or treating for a while, and go back to Keith's house to watch horror movies for the rest of the night.

The dance was already in full swing, with a remix of Spooky Scary Skeletons playing. Lance ran up to the stage to talk to Rolo, who was running the DJ booth. Hunk went to the snack table, and Pidge and Keith went to sit down. Keith ran off to get a drink, leaving Pidge. He remembered what happened last time he left her alone at a party, but he also knew that there were chaperones for the dance. In fact, Shiro and Matt had volunteered to help out.

He went back with two glasses of 'Witches Brew', which was actually Sprite, Rainbow sorbet, and dry ice to add a steamy effect. He returned to find, once again, a guy chatting up Pidge. Except he wasn't being a jerk, and was actually a decent flirt, when it came to talking to Pidge.

"Hi, I'm Beezer. What's your favourite dinner food?" he laughed, sitting in Keith's chair. Keith stayed back, deciding to let Pidge deal with Beezer herself.

"Hey Beezer," Pidge laughed. "Were you flirting with me through vines, or do actually want to know?"

"Uh, both? Did it work?" he chuckled.

"Honestly, yeah. And it's baked ziti. That stuff is delicious. Very Italian. Just like me." She gestured to her costume, then burst out laughing along with Beezer. He was dressed as a robot, contact lenses making his green eyes even more vibrant.

"Well, Katie, would you like to go to an Italian restaurant with me?"

Before she could respond, the music stopped and Rolo was clearing his throat, picked up by the microphone. Lance came up and grabbed Pidge by the arm, pulling her from her conversation with Beezer. He pulled her onto the stage, and Keith could only watch and listen in shock as Rolo explained what was going on.

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