What? No kiss?

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“We win!” Nadia cheered.

“You did. Good job.” Lance was grinning like an idiot, anticipating what his small friend would do next. Pidge’s face was crimson as she leaned forward slowly, lips puckered. Then she moved quickly and pecked Keith on the cheek.

“Done." She sat back on her heels and looked at Nadia. “Happy?”

“No. That’s not a weal kiss. Wook at Keef. Make a kissy face.” She squished Pidge’s cheeks and forced her to pucker her lips once again. Sylvio did the same to Keith’s face.

“See that’s what you do. Then you put your lips together.” Nadia pushed Pidge’s face towards Keith, as Sylvio pushed Keith’s face in. Lance had his phone at the ready, and snapped a picture as their lips connected. The two teens pulled away from each other and immediately looked at the ground. If Keith’s face got any warmer, he would burst into flames.

“Okay bedtime!” Pidge shouted suddenly.

“But we were gonna watch a movie!” Sylvio whined. He flopped onto Pidge’s lap and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

“I’ll tell you about space if you get in bed,” Pidge bargained. The siblings jumped up from the floor and ran to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

“They like space that much?” Keith asked. He made the mistake of looking back up at Pidge. They both flushed again and looked back at the ground.

“I’m gonna go tuck them in. Pick a Marvel movie.” She stood and followed the kids upstairs.

Fifteen minutes later, Lance was picking a movie, Hunk was making snacks, and Keith was volunteered to go see what was taking Pidge so long. He peeked through the door to see Sylvio passed out and curled up laying on Pidge’s arm. Nadia was snuggled up on her other side, also fast asleep. Pidge was mumbling, trying to keep her eyes open and ranting about space.

“And it’s always quiet in space and  sometimes I try to guess how many stars are out there, but no one really knows how many there are.” She yawned. “The hottest planet in our solar system is 450 degrees Celsius… and…the full space suit costs...” Her head lolled to the side as she fell asleep. Keith smiled at her. She was so sweet as she slept. Nadia was wearing Pidges glasses and Pidge’s hand rubbing small circles unconsciously on Sylvio’s back.

“Pidge. Hey Pidge?” Keith whispered. He shook her slightly and she shot up, disturbing the kids slightly. They were too tired to wake up, however and they just rolled over and continued snoring soundly.

“Costs over $12 000 000,” she said, rubbing her eyes. She took her glasses from Nadia. She had replaced the lens so they were no longer cracked. “What…?” she asked. “You want?”

“Want me to carry you down, Pidge?” Keith smiled down at her and opened his arms as she nodded slowly. He scooped her up and she nearly fell asleep in his arms once again.

“I’m tired, Keefy,” she mumbled.

“I know Pidgers.” Keith chuckled. “We’re gonna watch a movie okay? You gotta stay up. I wanna hear you tell us about everything that the movie did wrong.”

“Okie dokie,” she mumbled. She slipped from his grasp and continued walking down the stairs to find Lance and Hunk arguing quietly.

“We’re watching a Marvel movie, Hunk. That’s what Pidge wants, so that’s what we’re gonna do,” Lance hissed. Pidge and Keith stopped at the bottom of the stairs to listen to them, Pidge now fully awake.

“Marvel is a branch of Disney. So technically-”

“Screw your technicality, Hunk. Pidge wants to watch a Marvel movie. Like I said. Pick one.”

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