You wound me, Pidge.

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"Constellation. Pidge came up with it," said Hunk.

Pidge's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. She nodded and smiled slightly.

"Wait." Keith pulled out his phone and started playing the first song. His eyes widened as he realized I sounded exactly like Lance's singing voice.

"Yo-you have... You have our playlist?" Pidge stuttered. Her face was a brighter red than his jacket. Keith nodded, smiling at how flustered she got. Damn, she's cute. Wait...

"Don't scroll too far, or you'll find Pidgey's only song." Lance laughed. He stood off of his stool and leaned his guitar on the wall next to him. He took the phone from Keith and scrolled through, finally clicking on a song. It started to play a neat beat, before Pidge launched herself towards Lance, tackling him and pausing the song before the singing started.

"Can I have my phone back?" Keith asked, crossing his arms and smirking at Pidge's actions. Pidge tossed his phone back to him and he stuck it in his back pocket.

"We will not be listening to my song. I hate it," sighed Pidge. "Let's go watch a movie," she said, looking out the window. It was almost completely dark out now.

"Come on Pidge," Lance whined. "You have such a nice voice."

"Just put your vote in the damn box. " Pidge pushed a box full of paper towards the boys, but not before sticking her own page in it.

"Vote for what?" asked Keith, as he was passed the box, pen and a slip of paper.

"Write a movie on the slip. But check the shelf over there first," explained Hunk. Keith nodded and stared at the shelf, finally settling his eyes on one of his favorite movies. He quickly scribbled it down and shoved it into the box, then handed it to Pidge. She stirred the box with her hand and snatched a slip of paper from it.

"We're not watching Twilight!" she yelled. Lance whined and threw himself onto the couch dramatically.

"Why Pidge? It's so good," he complained.

"If we watch Twilight, Pidge is going to combust," laughed Hunk as he sat next to Lance. Pidge grabbed a blanket and curled up in the beanbag chair. Hunk took the box from her and grabbed a slip from it himself.

"The Emoji Movie." He gagged. "Who even put that in there?"

"Ewww!" Keith and Pidge yelled together, before looking at each other and laughing.

"Yeah, I agree. No," said Lance. He grabbed an Xbox controller and got everything up and running to put a movie in.

"Lance, you pick then." Hunk passed him the box.

"No. He's gonna pick one of the movies he put in there."

"No." Lance stuck his tongue out at her and she blew a raspberry back.

"Fine. Give the box to Keith. He'll pick a good movie." Pidge nodded towards Keith and he took the box.

"You guys are ridiculous," he said as he reached in the box. He moved his hand around in the box and picked a crumpled piece of paper. He read it off aloud, shocking Hunk, and putting a big smile on Pidge's face.

"It. The new one though."

"Yeah! We haven't watched a scary movie in forever!" Pidge jumped from her seat and grabbed the movie off the shelf, before sticking it in the Xbox. Once the movie was in she sat back down again, only to find that Keith had stolen her seat. She glared at him and tried to push him off unsuccessfully. He grinned at her and wrapped his arms around her wiggling figure.

"No. Let go. Get your own damn seat," she complained.

"You're gonna get scared. You need me here to protect you," Keith laughed. Where did this confidence come from?

"No I don't. Get lost you stupid teenage boy."

"I take offence to that. I'm nowhere near as stupid as Lance." He knew it was harsh, saying that after only a few hours of knowing the boy, but he had the feeling that the two would become fast friends.

Lance yelled at him for saying this, but quickly returned his attention to the movie.

"True." Pidge slid out of Keith's grip and onto the floor in front of the beanbag chair. "But I don't get scared. So screw off."

"Well, Miss 'I don't get scared' have fun sleeping tonight. This is a ridiculous movie."

"I have never seen Pidge sleep. Ever," said Lance. "After ten years, I'm pretty sure she's a vampire."

"Is that why you wanted to watch Twilight? To see the similarities between me and fictional monsters?" Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Obviously," joked Hunk. "Don't piss her off Lance, or she'll suck your blood."

"Ew. I would never out my mouth anywhere near Lance. That's just gross!" Pidge exclaimed.

"You wound me Pidge." Lance struck his hand to his chest in a dramatic manner.

"Mhm. Yeah. Sure. Just watch the movie." Pidge focused her attention onto the television, just as the opening credits ended.

"I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I am your worst dream come true. I am everything you were ever afraid of," Lance read the words as they made their way onto the screen.

Georgie, the little boy that started the events of the movie, ran through the streets in the rain. Pidge looked like she wanted to say something, but kept it in.

"Pidge don't pick it apart, or I swear to god, I will never talk to you again," said Lance.

"Lance, she's trying. Don't be an ass," scolded Hunk. No one besides Hunk really got scared, but they did jump a few times. Pidge shuddered when Beverly was covered in blood. Lance and Hunk eventually fell asleep by the time the lake scene rolled around, leaving just Keith and Pidge awake.

Eventually, Pidge yawned and stretched. She seemed to have forgotten that Keith was on the beanbag chair, because she climbed onto the chair and curled up next to him. The two of them sat in silence throughout the movie until the movie characters found all of the lost children underground.

"It's really me, Bill. It's Georgie. He kept me here... You can take me home... You can save me..." Georgie cried through the screen. Pidge whimpered as the scene played out.

"It's so sad," she whined. "I would hate to have to do that."

Keith wrapped his arm around her shoulders and rested his head on her. She finally realized he was in the same seat as her, once again.

"Get lost, loser."

"You wound me, Pidge." Keith mimicked Lance, earning a giggle from the mentioned girl. Keith yawned as the ending credits rolled. He let his eyes close as he drifted off to sleep.

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