None of them had expected that

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"I'm just saying, I don't know what her big deal is," Lance complained to Keith and Hunk. "I mean, Keith, you were there. What did you think?"

I think you kissing my girlfriend was the wrong thing to do.

Both Pidge and Keith had decided to keep their relationship on the down low. For no real reason except for the fun of it.

"Well, it was kinda unexpected. And out of nowhere. I mean, I guess... I don't know what to think." The three of them were getting ready for the play in the boys dressing room. Pidge wasn't with them because she was over in the girls change room.

"Well, yeah. But still. I think she overreacted," Lance muttered.

"Well, maybe she's dating someone?" Hunk suggested. Keith lost all the colour from his face.

"Why does everyone like Pidge so much?" Lance whined.

"I don't know, I guess they just do," Keith seethed, trying as hard as he could to keep his composure.

"Wait! What if Pidge is dating someone?!" Lance shouted suddenly. Hunk face palmed. "Oh my god. I know who, too!" He jumped from his seat and pointed an accusing finger at Hunk.

"Why didn't you tell me Hunk? You know how much I like her."

At this point, Keith had stood up as well.

"Really?" he asked, in a state of shock.

"Whoa, guys. I'm not dating Pidge. I would never. She's like my sister!" Hunk stuck out his hands defensively.

Lance sighed, but Keith was still glaring at him. "You like her?"

"Well, yeah. I thought it was obvious. At least it was to everyone but her. And you apparently. But, yeah."

It explained so much. Why he was so happy that Pidge got the part of Eliza. Why he kissed her the day before, and why he flushed when ever she responded to his flirts with a witty remark or a flirt of her own.

"Could we please have Keith Kogane, Lance McClain, Hunk Garrett and Kathryn Holt to the stage. We have a delay in the show, so we have a quick, yet last minute backup performance to keep everyone entertained!"

"Oh god. What did Pidge do?" Hunk mumbled as he stood from his chair, following the other two on the stage. However, when they made it onto the stage, Pidge looked just as confused as the boys.

All of a sudden, from the speakers, Backstreet Boys "Bye, Bye, Bye," started playing. Both Lance and Pidge immediately dancing to the song, and Hunk and Keith soon jumped in once they realized what was happening.

Being dressed as Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Lafayette and John Laurens, this was hilarious, and it got a lot of laughs and cheers from the audience. Some people in the audience even shouted 'Kiss'. This soon turned into a chant.

When he heard this, Lance looked at Pidge expectantly, but she launched herself into Keith's arms, and he dragged her off the stage, their lips locked, leaving both Hunk and Lance, and everyone in the audience, with shocked expressions. 

None of them had expected that.


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