Now it's all better

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I just did that. I just did that I ju- Did I just do that?!

Keith was freaking out. He was hyperventilating a little bit. He had just kissed Pidge, and his heart was beating out of his chest as he parked his bike in his driveway and texted his old friend for help.

Keith: Thace! I need help!

Thace: What's up?

Keith: I kissed my best friend and rode away on my motorcycle and I don't know what to do help me!!!!!!!

Thace: Oh shit. Uh............ call her? I don't know. Where is she?

Keith: At our other friends house.

Thace: Do you have any other female friends you can talk to about it? One that knows her? Cause I don't know this chick so I don't know what to tell you to do.

Keith: Damn it. Okay. See you later.

Keith threw his phone to the side and he flopped face first into his pillow. He yelled loudly into it, catching the attention of his brother upstairs.

"You okay Keith? What's going on?" Shiro yelled down the stairs.

"Nothing. I'm fine," he yelled back. He grabbed the laptop that Pidge had left there, and watched YouTube videos until about ten at night, when he was interrupted by a very angry freckled girl. He shot to his feet when Pidge opened his door, throwing her laptop to the end of his bed in surprise.

"You do not do that with no explanation besides 'before anyone else could!' What the hell?" she pushed him slightly, and stared at him with an angry glare.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, to which he placed his hands around her waist and kissed her back. She broke away from the kiss long enough to mutter, "You didn't give me enough time to kiss back," then pulled him back down. He fell backwards and onto his bed and she laid next to him.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

"You're an idiot." She sat up and the glare returned to her face.

"Can I be your idiot?" Keith asked.

"Yes. Damn you." She leaned back down and kissed him again.

Pidge practiced for her, not one, but two roles, and when she wasn't practicing with Keith or Lance, she was in her shop, working on Christmas gifts. Their play was two days away and everyone was panicking. The last week had been hell for everyone, especially the main characters, e.i. Lance, Keith and (because of her two roles) Pidge.

They were doing a dress rehearsal and Pidge had to have a second costume made for her. And with Christmas less than a week away as well, everyone was on edge.

Keith was the first on stage, and sang in almost all the songs and he was slightly freaked out. Pidge reassured him that he would do great, and went to wait until her time onstage. The poor girl had almost no time between acts to change her costumes. Multiple times at that. Other than that, everything about the play would be perfect. If Lotor hadn't gotten the part of George Washington.

Keith went onstage and started the first song, 'Alexander Hamilton.' Pidge came onstage and explained Hamilton's background through the song. The stage darkened and they ran off, only to run back on again and sing through 'Aaron Burr, Sir.' Lucky for Pidge, they gave her a few minutes between scenes to run around the stage to her next place. They also skipped out on Pidge and Lance's kiss, so that she wasn't subjected to torture, as Keith would put it.

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