We don't like him

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"I hate my new schedule!" Lance whined. He shoved a piece of paper in Pidge's face, his shoulders hunched forwards.

"Quit complaining. Lotor is in all of my classes." Pidge pouted.

"At least I'm in half of them." Keith poked her in the side. She giggled, but dropped her binder from the jump.

"Let me grab that for you," Sendak said. He lifted the binder and threw it on top of the lockers.

"Wow. How kind of you." Pidge growled, jumping to try and reach it. Lance pulled it down and glared as Sendak walked away.

The bell rang and Pidge walked off to her English class. Lance and Keith walked around the corner to their own shared English class. Luckily for Keith, it was the same classroom and teacher as his Creative Writing, so the teacher already knew him. The two of them sat at the back of the class, and Hunk walked in moments later, plopping himself in the seat next to Lance.

Keith met up with Pidge in their Social Studies class, then he nearly fell asleep in the class. It was painfully boring. The only downside was the seating chart. Keith was placed at a table with Romelle, and Pidge was in the row in front of him, right next to Lotor.

After lunch Pidge and Keith went to gym class. Pidge was complaining the entire time, going off about how much she hated organized sports, though she was looking forward to the gymnastics unit.

Halfway through the class, an announcement came over the speakers.

"Can we please get Katherine Holt to the office? Katherine Holt to the office please." There was a click as it shut off.

Pidge ran from the gym as fast as she could thankful for the excuse to get out of gym class.

"Kogane, go with her." Keith didn't question the teachers instructions and swiftly walked after her. He made it to the office, and a large glare broke out, when he saw Pidge approaching an ugly face he never thought he would have to see again.

James Griffin.

"Hey ugly," James grinned. Keith scowled at him.

"Why are you here?" Keith growled. He had left this douche bag in Ohio.

"Hi! My name is Katie. It's great to meet you." Pidge stuck out her hand. James shook it and Keith scowled even harder.

"Keith and I are going to give you a tour of the school." Pidge smiled. Keith could tell Pidge wasn't getting the best vibes from James.

The two of them wandered around the school, pointing things out, and advising him towards and against certain things, like The Pit™, the library, and the cafeteria. By the end of the block, Keith and Pidge were back to the gym and changing out of their gym strips.

"You know James?" Pidge asked as they stopped at their lockers to grab supplies for their next class. Pidge didn't need any, because she had musical theatre.

"He and I went to the same school in Ohio. I absolutely hated him. He called me emo all the time. James is a prick, and a word of advice?" Pidge nodded, getting him to continue.

"Avoid him. I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything, but I don't think it's a very good idea to interact with him more than necessary."

Pidge nodded in understanding, stopping in front of the drama room to give Keith a kiss before entering class.

At the end of the day, Keith and Pidge caught the bus to Hunk's house. Lance had to do chores, then he would be over. The four were inseparable. Anywhere one went, the others followed. Unless it was the bathroom. Then the odd one out of the gender category hung back, or went alone.

Being a Friday, they decided to pull an all nighter, something Pidge had become accustomed to, but the boys were still incapable of doing.

They dropped their stuff off, then walked a block over to find out what was taking Lance so long. He was in someone's driveway, talking to, you guessed it, James Griffin.

Pidge quickly walked up to him and pushed him from the conversation, loudly saying, "sorry. Lance has to do chores. See you Monday!" as they walked down the road.

"What the hell, Pidge?" asked Lance, exasperatedly.

"We don't like him. He's a dick." They walked back towards Hunks house, wrapping around a corner the opposite direction of it, and stopped at the convenience store.

They grabbed the necessities to an all nighter; slushies, snack foods, and of course, energy drinks.

Once back at Hunk's house, they pulled bathing suits out of their backpacks. Keith didn't grab his, not knowing that he was supposed to have brought it.

"All good. I knew you would forget it." Pidge pulled her backpack in front if her and pulled out Keith's swim shorts. Keith just laughed as he went to change into them.

"So where are we going?" Keith asked.

"To the lake, dumb ass," Pidge laughed.

"It's the beginning of spring? Isn't it too cold?" asked Keith.

"For most. That's why it won't be crowded. And this is Texas, City Boy, not Ohio. It ain't cold long," Pidge explained. Keith nodded in understanding. They walked the length if the dirt road and emerged at the lake. Over the winter, Keith had forgotten how long the walk was.

Pidge immediately dove into the water. Lance and Hunk followed, while Keith wearily dipped his toes into the water.

"Come on, Keith!" Pidge stuck out her hand. Keith cautiously took it. Pidge tried to pull him in, but being significantly smaller than him, ultimately failed, and was pulled into a big, cold hug. Keith lifted up her wiggling form and ran into the water with her, throwing her into a large dip in the lake.

"Dammit Lotor, I told you people would be here. And look, It's them!" James whined.

"I know." Lotor grinned deviously.

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