So how do you know Lotor?

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"Pidge go to sleep!" Keith heard Lance hiss. Keith opened his eyes and saw a bright light coming from next to him. Keith blushed slightly when he realized Pidge had curled up next to him.

"Lance. Leave her alone and take your own damn advice." Hunk yawned, complaining about Lance. The other two boys were still half asleep on the other couches.

"Fine. Turn down your brightness then!" The light next to Keith quickly got dimmer until he could barely tell it was there.

"Why are you guys yelling?" he whisper-yelled.

"We're not. You're just tired and it sounds like we're yelling cause of how quiet the room is," explained Pidge, without a hint of tiredness in her voice. Keith looked over at her and she aimed her phones light at him so she could see him better. He squinted, not expecting that to happen, and he pushed it away, causing her to giggle slightly.

"Aww. You big baby," she teased. She got out of her seat and stretched. "You guys are lame. You should be awake. It's only 2 am. Sleep? I don't know about sleep."

"It's summertime!" Lance hopped out of his seat and stood in front of Pidge, stretching his arms above his head.

"You better go to bed!" Hunk chimed in, laying out across the couch. The three of them looked at Keith expectantly, waiting for him to finish quoting the vine. He didn't know what the were doing so he just shrugged his shoulders and readjusted the way he was sitting on the beanbag chair.

Pidge's eyes widened before she half-yelled, "You uneducated meme fuck!"

Keith rolled his eyes as she turned on the tv and pulled up YouTube.

"We're watching all of my favourites. By the end of the summer you'll be quoting them with us." Pidge jumped on the couch next to Hunk and landed with her legs crossed.

"No," Keith whined.

"Yes!" Pidge yelled at him, earning a shush from Hunk.

"You're going to wake up my parents," he hissed. Pidge rolled her eyes and started flipping through YouTube videos on the T.V. She scrolled agonizingly slow, the television lagging really badly. Pidge finally clicked one titled 'iconic memes that changed the world.'

"We'll start with the most iconic ones." A smirk had made its way to her face, at the knowledge that Keith really didn't want to watch them. Half way through the video, Pidge and Lance started reciting the vines as they played.

"I'm in me Mums car. Broom broom," Pidge laughed.

"Get out me car!" Lance cried.

"Aww." The other three burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, causing Keith to chuckle as well.

Someone yelled out on the television, and Keith, knowing this one, spoke with it.

"Stop! I could've dropped my croissant!" he yelled out. Pidge looked over at him, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"You're not a failure! There's hope for you after all!"

"Keep it down!" they heard a yell from upstairs.

"Sorry!" Lance yelled back up. "We will."

"And they were roommates!" Pidge whispered.

"Oh my god they were roommates." Hunk added.

They watched the videos as they auto played, one after the other, until eventually, even Pidge fell asleep. It was miraculous, however.

They woke up to Pidge's phone ringing. She answered it groggily and one the other side there was a yelling boy. Her brother, Keith assumed.

"Calm down, Matt," Lance hollered from next to her. The yelling got louder because of what he had said. Keith strained his ears to hear.

"You!" Matt yelled. Keith was unable to pick up everything he said, but he could put two and two together. Hunk quickly scrolled through his phone and Keith looked over his shoulder to see a video on Instagram of Pidge arguing with the Lotor and his gang. Then she was pushed off the cliff and the video looped back to the beginning as Keith leaped off the cliff after her.

Recalling the event, both Keith and Hunk looked up at Pidge. She put her free hand on her hip and huffed in frustration.

"It's not like I haven't dealt with them before. So what's the big dea- no. I did not hit my hea- I can talk back to you. You're my brother, not mom or dad, so you have no- stop cutting me off!" she yelled into the phone. "Yes. No. I don't know. Stop it. I'm fine okay? If you were there- hey. Knock it off! If you were there, you would have seen that I was fine. I swam to the shore and the guys and I left after that. Yes. Yeah. We did. No, we didn't tell her what happened, but she probably knows by now." She paused, letting her brother speak more.

"Matt, calm down!" Lance called to the phone. "She's fine. She's been with us all night. We watched a movie and all that jazz, got Keith to become less of an uncultured swine in the ways of memes, and we got milkshakes. We didn't eat dinner though. Whoops. I guess we were all a little too shaken up from what happened with Lo-" Hunk cut him off by cuffing him upside the head.

"Not helping, Lance," he whispered.

"Sorry." Lance put his hands defensively.

"... two... home... now..." came Matt's voice from the phone. Pidge sighed and agreed. She gave a quick goodbye to Matt before hanging up the phone. She hugged Lance and Hunk and beckoned Keith to follow her out of the house.

"Bye Mr and Mrs Garrett!" she yelled up the stairs as she exited.

"Yeah! Thanks for having us over!" Keith added before following the smaller teen out of the house.

Pidge seemed slightly grumpy on their walk back. Keith wanted to say something, but didn't for fear of making her angry with him. Once they had walked out of the town and onto the long stretch of road that led o Pidge's house, he finally decided to strike up a conversation. Of course, he said completely the wrong thing.

"So, how do you know Lotor?"


Kinda short today. Sorry bout that. I'm on a crappy school laptop. Gonna switch and add another chapter soon. I don't really do A/N's, but I thought 'eh. Why not?' Let me know what you think so far I guess. Might get a little fluffy/angsty next chapter, but idk. Later!


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