First friend?

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Lance's POV

It was 8:56 am when I arrived to the Balmera. My classes didn't start until 9:45 am, so I had time.

Usually when I step through the big glass doors at the entrance I go left, where are the classes for robotics, mechanical stuff and other classes for creativity, teachers room and the info office. But today I went right. I don't know why I wanted to go there, but I followed my gut nonetheless.

I stopped at the bottom of the staircase, I looked around, there was an elevator, but I chose to climb the stairs.

I had my earphones on and music was blazing in my ears. My favorite song, hips don't lie, started to play. As I walked up the stairs I took some quick steps, went down a few and jumped up few. I moved my hands and body along the beat of the song. As the song ended I had almost reached the 4 floor.

As I slowed down my steps and took a deep breath. Another song started to play, but it sounded odd. I stopped the song and listened. The odd sound, no the beat of a song, came from above.
'No one goes up there, but I'm sure that I can hear a music playing.' I thought as I started to climb the stairs to the fifth floor.

A bit earlier.
Keith's POV

I stepped inside the room 5f. I could feel the floor that was meant for dancing underneath my feet. I walked around the room hand on the wall, I started from the door. I stepped few steps at a time. 'door, wall, corner, wall, corner, wall with windows, corner, mirror wall, corner, wall and the door.' I laid my bag and stick on the floor near the door. I took my phone from my pocket and tapped one song after another. I stopped changing songs when Stitches started to play. I laid my phone on top of my bag. I walked to the middle of the room and went into a starting position.

The first few seconds of the song I listened over it and made sure I was alone.

When I was sure, I moved. Quick but precise steps. Legs near each other, right hand on my side and left hand moving slowly to the beat. Hands straight reaching out in front, bringing them to my chest. Left hand stays on my chest, right hand moves like it would cut something. Hands above my head and I turned around few times.
Moving to the beat I bowed my upper body. Threw my head back up in a quick movement. Shifted quickly from left to right, turned, jumped, threw my upper body down and back up again. Moved backwards, hips moving from side to side hands making movement along the lyrics. Chorus started to end.
"I'll be needing stitches", I sang along while I brought my body to the right, right hand on my hip, left reached out in the air and dragging my left leg on the floor while I moved to the right.

Lance's POV

"Damn. They are good. I though I knew exactly every single one of the best dancers in here, I guess not," I thought to myself while standing behind the door 5f. The door was slightly open so I had been able to look inside.

The person inside danced with pride and precise movements, they look like they were born to dance and has the rhythm in their DNA. One look at the dancer and I was in trance, I couldn't move, I was glued in place. They danced like it was the last day, with full of enjoyment and energy. It was hypnotic.

I was shaken out by a firm cough behind me. I straightened my back and put on a wide nervous smile on my face and turned around slowly.
"H-heyyy Adam my best instructor teach, h-how ya d-doing on this f-fine morning?" I asked stuttering. Adam my dance instructor and Spanish teacher stood behind me unfazed by my awkwardness.
"It is fine morning indeed, and I'm sure that you should be on the forth floor, Pidge and Hunk were wondering were you are and Coran was asking for you". "Ooh, yeah. I suppose I should go for them then," I said quickly and started to walk away. "Oh and I'm sure you and the new kid can meet later on," Adam added. "A new kid, wait, so they are gonna study here?" I asked pointing my index finger towards the door 5f. "Yes. Now go before Pidge manages to destroy Coran's nerves," Adam says calmly. "Yes sir," I say as I run off.

Adam's POV

I watched as Lance run towards the stairs. I turned my attention towards the door and knocked, I didn't want to scare the kid even if he could sense a presence of another person. The music got turned off and I hardly heard the steps nearing the door. A short boy of age 18 opened the door. He was wearing mostly black except for the red and black dress shirt that was tied around his hips. Black glasses covered the eyes of the boy.
"Yes?" The boy asked with a quiet, almost even soundless voice. His voice was shaking, body trembling right hand on the door handle and the other tightly around his chest as if for protection. I spoke up.
"You're Keith Kogane, correct?" "Yes,and you must be... Adam, r-right?" Keith's voice trembled, but words were still said quietly and slowly. I smiled a little and responded.
"Yes. I came to pick you up earlier that Shiro told me to, since I think I should show you around," I said it like I was reading lines out loud from a script. "Thanks, and please don't be formal with me. It's a bit uncomfortable, since you are friends with my brother, I-I just thought it would make sense," Keith said it like a 5 years old kid who had nerve talked to anyone before.
"Understood, Keith. Shall we go then?" I asked smile forming on my lips.
"Yes, let me just take my stuff," Keith sounded a bit relaxed and smiled a little.

Time skip
Keith's POV

Adam was easy to talk to and he was very nice and kind. He was the perfect teacher. He told me that he would be my Spanish teacher and that if there's anything troubling me I could go to him.

Adam brought me to my first class after he had showed me the most of the school.

My first class was in the first floor. The class wouldn't start in 30 minutes. So I still had time. Adam and I exchanged farewell and see ya later, and I stepped inside the room.

I wasn't alone in the room tho. I could hear sounds of metal hitting the floor and tools being put back down on the table. I walked towards the sound until it sounded just inches away from me. I moved a little bit away to the left. I chose to call out to the person, since they didn't seem to notice my presence.
"H-hey". "Holy crow!" The now noticeable male screamed and jumped a up from the place he had been sitting on. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to f-frighten you," I said panicking. "Oh no, noononono. It's fine. You just surprised me that's all," the boy said calmly and continued.
"I don't think I've seen you before, you new?" "Yeah, my name's Keith, I'm starting here today," I said as I offered my free hand for a handshake. The boy responded immediately.
"My name's Hunk, and I'm second year, I presume you're second year too since you're in this class," the boy, Hunk took my offered hand and squeezed it tightly, it wasn't a painful squeeze, but a comforting one. His hand was a lot larger than mine and it was warm. I spoke up. "Yeah I'm a second year, it's very nice to meet you," I said while we let go of our handshake. "Same here. Hey if you don't mind me asking..." I noticed that Hunk was hesitant. "Go ahead, ask away," I reassured him and prepare myself for the question. Hunk sighed and spoke.
"It's rude to ask but, are-are you
b-blind?" "Yeah, I am. I have been since I was 7," I said as calmly as possible. "I'm sorry to hear, dude. Hey if you need help or well friends I and my two other friends that you should definitely meet, would definitely be your friends." "Thanks, I don't need any help, but friends... I've never had those before," I said. Hunk was about to respond, but his phone informed a call. He apologized to me and excused himself, I felt myself smile. Something about Hunk made me feel welcomed, he was nice and I wanted to meet his friends. 'Even if they wouldn't like me, it would be worth it.' I thought to myself.

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now