The Last Note, "For Us!"

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*Hola bitches, I'm back, weren't expecting that? Yah, me neither. So here, I made a last chapter for this baby! I just wanted to show how things moved on from the last chapter

3rd POV, 5 years later, 13.30am

" Go on now kiddos! I have a date with the stage!" all of the 9 students laughed at their dance teacher's comment.

But as commanded the kids dressed up and left, most of them saying that they'll be watching him from the audience.

About 5 years ago, Lance had asked his insecure, suffering from PTSD, blind boyfriend out, the past 5 years was filled with arguments, crying, laughing, you name it, but Lance wouldn't change anything.

The two of them started to do duo dancing about 4 years ago. When they first performed together, someone filmed them and put the video online, it went viral in span of two hours and it spread worldwide.

Calls started to arrive to the Balmera non stop, requesting the duo to perform in different locations and causes, all for the good cause.

Today especially was very important to Lance. He's been planning this for months after he heard they'd be performing for charity for orphanages. Today was their 5 year anniversary and it was very special for him and Keith.

Keith had been shaking in his boots for months and damn it if Lance was going to let his love down. For Keith was caring soul and he wanted to be part of helping the orphanage and foster care system, to help the children who feel lost and unwanted, since he knows the feeling that the children feel.

Lance would make sure that this night is more memorable and meaningful than anything else.

19.44 pm

Lance ran out of his car, that he left in front of the opera house, with his blue sport bag hanging off his shoulder.

Lance was greeted by Pidge and his brother and Hunk and Shay.
"Hello, lover boy, you aren't even late this time," Pidge joked.

"Pockets full? Shiro is already inside with Keith and Kosmo," Hunk added as Shay giggled.

"Shut the fuck up Pidge, I'm nervous! Thanks Hunk!" Lance yelled as he made his way inside and to the back stage.

Shiro was the first one to greet him and slapped him in the back as he left to go find Adam.

"Hola, mi vida," Lance said as he snaked his long, big, tan arms around his lover's abdomen.

Keith giggled, "Hola, sharpshooter. I missed you, how did the class go?" Keith asked as he turned around in the taller man's arms and kissed him on the lips with affection and undeniable love.

"I missed you too, the class was great, but not winning the moments with you," Lance responded as he snuggled his nose into the messy hair that was in a messy pun.

Keith had come a long way, he still doesn't remember everything, example, he still does not remember his parents or what happened to them. It's all good, he's getting better day by day, even though some nightmares scare the living shit out of both of them, but like Lance said, he wouldn't change a thing, Keith is a lot stronger and smarter than he seems.

Tiny pushes cut Lance's train of thought, Kosmo was demanding attention by nudging his leg. "Hola to you too boy, you ready to help us out again?" Lance questioned the big Husky as he scratches behind the dogs big ears. Kosmo responds by wagging his big poofy tail from side to side.

Kosmo helps Lance and Keith a lot by guiding Keith if he takes a wrong step or is about to hit something or lose his footing, that's why no matter when nor where they dance Kosmo is always part of the show, mostly by circling the duo from a good distance away and steps in when needed, and today, Kosmo has an extra job that only Keith and the audience doesn't know of.

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now