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Lance's POV

It's been couple days since Keith's panic attack, I haven't exactly heard much about his current condition from Shiro or anyone.

Pidge has been distant since yesterday morning, when they got a call from Matt, but refused to talk about it to me or even Hunk. I mean, c'mon. I kinda do understand if ya ain't talking to me about it, but not even to Hunk! Jesus Quiznacking christ.

I'm getting really worried. I try to get at least some kind of information from Mr. W. but he too, refused to give away anything. He did continue teaching me and helping with my choreography, as usual and seemed like nothing had changed.

All my classes were over and I was headed to the dance studio building and the fourth floor. When I was at the bottom of the stairs that were the last obstacle between me and the fourth floor, I heard Pidge's voice.

They sounded off, I could clearly hear in their voice that they were sobbing, and because of that it was hard to tell what they were saying.

I was able to tell that they were talking to their brother, Matt.
Matt himself didn't sound any better than his younger sibling.

I quietly stepped a bit closer.

Finally, I was able to make out the words they were saying....

But after hearing them.....

I wasn't sure if It was a good idea after all....

"M-Ma-tt... Th-that b-b-be-better be a-a joke...." Pidge managed to stutter through the sobbing.

"I wish it was, lil sis..." Matt whispered.

"What the g-goddamn h-he-hell! I-I d-don't wa-want you t-to co-come... h-here a-a-nd t-t-tell me t-t-th-that K-Keef I-is in c-coma!! 'Cuz th-at ain't f-f-fucking f-fu-funny!!" At this point Pidge was screaming.

                         'Keith is...

                        ... Coma...'


word count: 325

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now