Merry Christmas,

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Keith's POV
Two years later

The early dark morning let the slowly falling big bright moon light shine through the hastily thrown closed curtains.

The heavy, but durable weight of Kosmo by his feet brought comfort alongside with the large hand resting on his right cheek, caressing the scar underneath his eye.

I let the small, but soft smile form on my lips as I let the sounds around me wake me up. The muffled sounds of early drivers, the almost silent thumping of Kosmo's big fluffy tail against the mattress, the soft snores coming from down the hall, and the tiny laugh that made it out of his husband's mouth.

"What are you smiling at hot topic?" Lance said as he kissed my forehead.
"Aww, you think I'm hot," I answered with a heavily sleep laced voice as I opened my eyes, letting Lance see the dulled Galaxies he oh so much loved.

As Lance laughed out a quiet laugh, i asked the time Lance managing to answer 06:09.

I got up and dressed for the day, light gray sweatpants, dark red sweater and my long, thick hair pulled into a messy pun.

Lance had already left the room as Keith stepped into the hallway with Kosmo, warm wooly socks scraping the wooden floor as he let himself be carried by his heavy feet through the hallway.

As he had walked the hallway millions of times he stood behind a door, letting the familiar smell of burning wood and brewing coffee surround him with comfort as he knocked on the door, the snoring stilled momentarily until picking up again. Keith opened the door walking toward his four-year-old daughters bed, Kosmo dutifully sitting in the doorway.

"Keira hunny, time to wake up," He said softly as he sat down on the bed.

The girl stirred, letting a small yawn inform her father of her waking up. She sat up, greeting a good morning as she rubbed the rest of the sleep away.

Keira dressed up with a little help from Keith and both with Kosmo on their heels made their way downstairs just as Lance was putting his shoes on.

Keira ran to her papa's waiting arms giving him a good morning kiss on the cheek as Keith came up and hugged them both. Taking their daughter off of Lance's arms Keith kissed him deeply and wished him good luck with his students.


"Keira, sweetie, it's time to go. Daddy has couple of things he needs to do today," Keith called out with Kosmo sitting by his feet in his vest, Keith keeping a tight hold on the handle, weather from the nervousness or rage he didn't know.

Only a minute later did Keira come in full winter clothing, taking a hold of Keith's hand and holding a purple stuffed hippo in the other. She opened the door and locked it so Keith didn't have to.

With Kosmo in lead the three started to make their way down the pavement towards the city.

The cold December breeze colored their cheeks and noses red, letting the wind blow through Kosmos' thick fur as they neared Keith's old home where Shiro lived with Adam.

Keira let go of the warm hand and ran the last steps and rang the doorbell. She stepped aside as a full on smiling Shiro opened the door.

"How's my favorite pretty niece doing this fine morning?" Shiro said as he picked the giggling girl up.
"Is Adam ready to go?" Keith asked from the driveway, receiving an answer from Adam himself, Keith blew a kiss on his daughter's way and waved a bye, promising to his older brother to pick her up before dinner.

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