Too Long Ago

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Third POV

Soon the trio had arrived to the parking lot of the airport. Pidge had to drag Keith out of the car.

Adam was the first to spot Pidge's older brother in the crowd, since he had the advantage of height.

As Matt was waiting for his luggages to arrive, he looked around trying to find his friend. He hadn't been informed that Adam wasn't the only one picking him up.

Soon enough he spotted his luggages and picked them up and moved away, only to get picked off of the safe ground by his friend.

"Good to have you back, Matt," Adam said as he hugged his a little shorter friend.
"Good to be back," Matt replied with surprised yelp. Now that he was higher, he could see the light mop of hair that belongs to his younger sister and wiggled his way out of the grip of his taller friend, only to wrap his own hands around his dear nerd that is his younger sister.

"Pidge, my own baby sister came to pick me up from the airport. Awww, I'm flattered".

"Fuck off me Matt. I just came to see you make a fool out of yourself," Pidge said and tried to push his brother off of herself.

Matt made a dramatic gasp. "Language young missy".

Matt spotted a slightly taller than Pidge, male behind his sister and whispered, "Who's behind ya?"

Pidge turned and looked back at her brother. "That's Keith, remember, from childhood?"

Matt took a better look at the raven haired male.
"Really? That's Keith?" he asked as the tears started to form in his eyes.
Pidge nodded. "Matt. He isn't the same anymore. Sure his personality is the same, but he's more scared and isolated than ever," she whispered, sadness lacing her quiet voice, and continued. "He's been through a lot more than we could ever imagine and he's blind".

Matt's excited and happy face fell. He let go of Pidge and stepped closer to Keith.

"Hey Keith, remember me, Matt, Katie's older brother?" Matt spoke with a broke voice. Hope filled his expression as Keith nodded and turned his head towards the source of the voice.

He wore mostly black. Red converse, black leggings, red 'n black flannel, under it was a black crop top with a odd V shape.

Keith's hair was long and framed his pale porcelain face. Most of his face was hidden behind his front hair and the black sunglasses.

On his hand he held a white stick with a red stripes on it and a red point on the side that faced the ground.

Hesitantly, Matt made his way towards the short male. He swung his arms experimentally around the other and hugged tighter as he felt the short boy snake his arms around his back.

"I'm so glad to see you again," Matt said as the tears fell down his face like a waterfall.

"Me t-too," almost soundless whisper responded.

"I think I'm gonna cry too," Pidge said from behind her phone. You see she had started to record the whole thing since Matt had let her go.

"You should, then we all would be crying," Adam said, gesturing towards the hugging and crying mess in front of the two, while wiping his own tears from his eyes.

Soon they made their way towards Adam's old Volkswagen. Adam sat behind the steering wheel and Pidge on the passenger side. Matt and Keith in the back, since Matt didn't want to let go of the short male and ended up hugging him the whole way to Shiro's house.

Word count: 602

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