He's in need of a savior

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*warning. Panic attack, thunder storm, swearing

Third POV

As Lance and Hunk made their way to the floor below, outside the weather started to stain the sky with depressingly dark grey clouds.

Keith and Pidge were almost finished with the dance when a blindingly bright light cut the sky in half.
Pidge just jumped from the sudden brightness. Few seconds later the roaring rumble of the thunder shake the building. Keith hadn't noticed that bright light, but rumble shook his whole body.

The terrifying roars of the thunder and the rain that slammed against the windows. Keith's legs turned into jelly, his throat felt dry. The piercing pain around and on his eyes made his eyes water.
Keith wanted to scream.

Keith's POV

My legs betrayed me. I slammed my hands against the floor as a second, even louder roar broke through from the sky. I wanted scream, yell, anything that would release the fear and pain. Anything!
      But you can't.
I could hear my father's angry, drunken voice echoing, no. Ringing in my head.
         You are worthless.
       'No. Please stop!'
          Do ya remember what happens
         to kiddos like ya?
       'Please. STOP!'
       'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I started whispering before I blacked out.

Pidge's POV

I was a little surprised by the strength of the thunder.

I turned my attention back to Keith. I didn't notice him at first, since he wasn't on my sight of view. I turned my sight on the floor. Three he was. Laying on his side, his knees by his chest, hands holding them tightly. His face, that I could barely even see, covered with his raven black hair.
Keith was almost in a perfect ball shape.

He was a trembling mess. I felt bad for him. I stepped closer. I could now hear him, with his almost non existing voice whisper, "I'm s-so s-s-sorry".  Keith's voice was breaking.

I realized that he wasn't with me mentally anymore. No. Keith was clearly caged up by some kind of trauma. Something had triggered his panic attack.

I was in no position to help him, since I was too weak to carry him. And a thought flashed in my head.
I left the room, hesitating first. But I had to help him.

Hunk's POV

I noticed that Lance was really out of it today. So I wasn't surprised that he fell on his ass when a scream echoed in the halls.
"What the hell was that!?" Lance shouted while he got up from the floor.
" I don't know man. Maybe one of the students is being teased by someone."

I now heard our names being called, more like shouted.
"Huuunnk! Laaaaannce!!" It was Pidges' voice. Lance walked to the door and peaked out.
"Pidgeon? What's up?" Lance asked calmly.

I went to Lances' side. Pidge was out of breath.
"You *pant* It's *pant* Jesus fucking *pant* Christ. *sigh* It's Keith. He's having some kind of panic attack and I have to take him to someone. But I can't carry him! He needs help!" Pidge explained. Lance and I didn't dare to ask more.

We ran the stairs up and through the hallway to the door 5f. Lance was the first to enter the room.


Meet my good friend....

I'll go.

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now