Music And Kosmo

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* I don't own the music

*Awwwh ❤️💙! This is my favorite chapter, I love this story, even though it is not that good. But in my opinion, it has come a long way.

I know that Voltron Fandom is dying, but I love Voltron and Klance from the bottom of my heart, I will continue writing Klance, but for this baby, this is the last chapter. I will write another story and I will continue writing "The Drop In The Ocean Of Blood", but for this story, this is the end.


Keith's POV

It's been a little over three months since I got home from the hospital. I've been seeing a therapist twice a week and have few check ups once in a while.

My friends(?), Pidge, Hunk, Lance and others, we've grown closer, especially me and Lance. Lance has been a little protective and asks every day how am I. He's sweet and he cares about me, even though I'm nothing but broken pieces, and he like has this extra sense about me (Pidge's words), that when I'm sad or having panic or my PTSD attack he's by my side in seconds.

I still don't remember my childhood nor much anything.

I've also had few nagging feelings, like my legs have been twitching. It's like my body is trying to remind me of the old me.

Music is something that I seem to like the most, and it's like my heart is trying to lead me to follow the rhythm that's vibrating in my veins.

But the feeling is different, it's sad and kind of empty.


Something is missing...

Shiro has been telling some stuff for me from my 16-18-year-old days.


13:36 pm.

"Shirooo?!" I listened as the words echoed through the halls and jumping off the walls.

"Yah?" I heard a muffled response.

"Can ya halph meh?" I asked with a child like tone.

"Sure, kiddo," I could hear heavyish steps get closer to my door. Kosmo shifted a little, but didn't go anywhere from his spot next to me on my bed.

"Wha da ya need, kiddo?" Shiro asked as he stepped in my room.

"Can you choose a song from my music list?" I asked as I offered my phone to him. Apparently my hand had been stretched out away from Shiro since Kosmo moved and gently pushed my hand to the left with his slightly wet and cold nose.

I could hear Shiro's gentle and fond laugh.
" Sure thing, kiddo," Shiro said as he took my phone off my hand.

Kosmo moved more and laid his big head on my lap, I started scratching behind his ear.

"Oooh! There you go," Shiro said as he pushed play.

My foot started to jump up and down a little.

"Cross my heart and hope to die

" I don't need another guy

"To fight my battles

" To over shadow me "

I stood up and started swaying from side to side a little, and when the music picked up, the rhythm took over me.

I closed my eyes and let my body move as it liked.

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now