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Keith's POV

Restart. That's what people call when they want to start over.

Second chance, is the same thing. A second chance in life for those who might have asked for it.

A new start, that's what people do when they want to have a new chapter in life, that can be better than the last.

I didn't ask for neither of those.

The doctors told me about my condition, my life before I was hospitalized, who I live with, my friends and family.

But they didn't tell me about my parents or how I got blind, they did tell me that I was hospitalized because of my suicide attempt and how long I was in coma.

"Over seven months!!" I barked out.
"Yes, Mr. Kogane." the doctor said and continued. "If I may continue, your adoptive brother is going to be here in an hour with few of your friends, but before that, I would like to discuss with you about a little change in your life here on out."

I sighed, and calmed down.
"Yes, what is this about?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"We think that in this bad of a condition, your friends and family support may not be enough. Your mental state is way worse and your blindness are in need of a 24/7 support, but other people should not be allowed to be abandoning their own problems-"

"Absolutely not, I don't want to be a burden," I cut the doctor off.

"As you said. So how 'bout this. We help you out and support this funding, and your 24/7 support with keeping your mental state stable and being your eyes is a service dog. A young and protective husky named Kosmo with a heart of gold."

I was so thankful and happy to hear that people actually cared about a broken person like me and thought a way to help me recover in a different way with more support. And my dog lover heart was thrilled.

Of course I was still weary of other people and the people that were my "friends" and "family", yes I trust the doctors, but I haven't heard their voices yet.

Time skip, an hour

I was all ready to go and Kosmo was already with me and I could almost feel the excitement and happiness that radiates from him. His furr was silky soft and he was a big boy. I was told that he was wearing a red vest, that had with white letters words:
"Service dog
Do not touch"

I heard the door open, three different foot steps walk in, the one I noticed was the doctor who was talking to someone.

Doctor mentioned his name, Shirogane. His voice and name sounded so familiar and brought warmth to my chest, I didn't know why, but I knew I could trust him.
One word swam through my mind and I had to say it out loud or it would crush my mind.

"Shiro?" I asked quietly.

All noise died down, heavy steps neared me and Kosmo. Kosmo signaled that I was in no danger by laying down on the ground.

"Hey kiddo, you remember my name?" the man, 'Shiro' asked.

His words and voice were warm and reminded me of the good times. I don't remember him, but I can feel the familiarity, I know him.

"I don't remember anything, but I know you," I responded with hesitation.

"Alright. I came to bring you and Kosmo home with your school mates and friend, he isn't your only friend, but he was here the most," Shiro said with a laugh.

"Hey!! Don't expose me!" A male voice cried.

Voices flooded into my mind.

"Hey, again, Keith.
I came to visit again.
Umm, I came alone as usually.
Every one is really worried about you."

"You, keithy, it's me Lance and I just wanted to come talk to you"

"Hey, I hope you w-wake up s-soon.
I really miss your beautiful voice and your dancing, heh, yeah I s-saw you dance"

"Lance... "

*word count : 679

Hey sorry I haven't been so active, I've just been going through really deep shit and school has been a lil bitch.

But, summer is around the corner, I just have few days and I have more time (hopefully)

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now