I can at least try

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*warning: swearing*
Keith's POV

"Wait! Pidge's a girl!!" I heard Lance yell.
"I kinda had a my doubt," Hunk announced hesitantly. Pidge sighed.
"I didn't exactly care whether you guys saw me as a girl or a boy," said Pidge.
"Wait wait wawawait! Waaait!" Lance yelled. "So you're telling me-US! That you lied about your name and didn't tell uS the truth about yourself?!"
"Lance, calm your shit down man. Technically I didn't lie about anything, since no one asked and I just didn't tell you my actual name bcuz I got used to the nickname," Pidge explained with the kindness with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.
"How ever the thing is, I'm clad you told us," Hunk said.

I heard movement near me. I flinched, a hand was laid on my shoulder. I didn't start to panic since I recognized the large hand.
"Well, isn't this a joy to my eyes. So how's the school treating ya, lil bro?" I heard Shiro ask.
"In my opinion, he's doing fine," a gentle voice came from near Shiro.
"Holy fu-," Shiro didn't get to finish.
"Sorry Adam."
I exploded into laughter.

Time skip, two hours
Pidge's POV

I followed Keith around and told him a lots of stuff he had missed.
Keith didn't have many classes that day, so he said he was gonna spend some time at the studio, I of course went with him. I was honestly I bit scared that he was just an illusion, and didn't want to let it be that way.

I don't know what happened to him in these past years, but I know him. He has a golden heard, even if it's in pieces. I wanted to find him for so long, but I was unable to. But now, I can at least try fixing him.

Keith walked to the fifth floor and once we reached the final floor, he kept walking, his other hand on the wall. I watched him with concern, but didn't talk, since I figured he didn't exactly want to talk about his problems nor about the pain. Keith stopped in front of the room 5f, opened the door and stepped in. I followed inches behind.

Keith's POV

I knew Pidge was following me. I knew she was concerned about me and curious about my health. I also knew she knows I don't want to talk about it.
"Hey," I ended the awkward silence in the room 5f.
"Yeah, what's up?" Pidge asked.
"You, uhh, wanna dance together again?"
I could hear Pidge's surprised gasp.
"Of course you dummy," Pidge responded.
"If I'm the dummy, then you're the workaholic," I responded with pride.
"I guess I can't disagree." We both started to laugh.
'I missed this so much.' I admitted to myself.
"So what song?" Pidge asked, snapping me back to reality.
"How 'bout Brother by Kodaline?" I asked.
"You sure? I mean, it is a good one, but it does have a strong meaning, and if you haven't changed. Well-" Pidge started.
"I know I read the songs way too well! But... I'm dancing with you, so I can take it," I said with sadness in my voice.
"Alright, I won't push it. Since I know you, well knew, you've changed. But once your mind is made, it won't change," Pidge said, I heard in her voice that she was smiling.
"Katie, one more thing. Can you p-please, m-maybe, tell me what you look like?"
"Sure. My hair's still the same color, but shorter. It's about a shoulder length. I'm wearing a bright green, a bigger than me, hoodie. Light greyish blueish short shorts. And dark green Converse. On my nose, I have big round glasses," Pidge said with a hint of pride in her voice.
"Thanks, I think I can imagine your looks, I think it fits ya," I reassured her.

Lance's POV

"Hey Lance, I think your feet has a mind of their own," Hunk said laughing.
"What do ya mean?!"
"I mean, did you even notice that we're at the fifth floor, and our room is a floor below," Hunk giggled.
"Yeah, I noticed. I just wanna know more," I said.
"Know more about-"
"So what song?"
"That sounds like Pidge. What's she doing here?" I asked Hunk.
"How 'bout Brother by Kodaline?"
"That sounds like Keith," Hunk said.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"Lance, don't ask foolish questions. Obviously I don't know,," Hunk had a bit of irritation in his voice.
I started to move closer to the room 5f, since I figured they would be there.
"You sure? I mean, it is a good one, but it does have a strong meaning, and if you haven't changed. Well-" I put my back against the wall near the door.
       'What's going on? I've never heard Pidge talk like that," I thought to myself.
"I know I read the songs way too well! But... I'm dancing with you, so I can take it." I flinched. 'Keith snapped.'
"Alright, I won't push it. Since I know you, well knew, you've changed. But once your mind is made, it won't change." I was starting to get guilty for listening, but I couldn't help it. Keith reminded me of a hurt cat I once found in a cardboard box on the streets, in the rain.
If you looked close enough, you would be able to see the fear, guilt and hesitation in his face and movements.

'Why do I care so damn much? Sure, he's fragile, but independent. He's strong, but needs a savior. God, what's this feeling. It kinda hurts.' I thought as I started to make my way to the floor below, Hunk followed.

*quick question.
What's your opinion about the story so far??*

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