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Keith's POV

It's black, voices echo in the black void of nothingness.

The beeping echoes sharply, like it's trying to pierce through my head.

There are at the very least four different voices.

I feel so empty, so... numb... so lost...

"Where am I?"
                     "Who am I?"

These different, and complicated questions flote through my hazy mind, making me more and more confused.

The voices quiet down, and a different sound barks loudly.


Not like a hungry baby demanding food, but the kind that breaks every tough guys heart. The sweet, heartbreaking, soft, but painful sobbing demanding release, realif and freedom of the horrid pain that has no end...


Like a Devil demanding to be let inside, if not, the Devil forces its way in.

It Blocks all the senses.

It Destroys the memories.

It Makes you forget the faces you know and the names you have heard.

It's Killing, it's Torturing, it's like Dancing with Devil itself...

      "How long?"

                                "Why me?"

   "Who is 'me'?"


Time skip
Matt's POV

It's been months...
Apparently, since Keith was put under medically indused coma, his system failed him and died for a long while.

When his heart started slowly and weakly beat again, he fell into coma that wasn't indused medically.

It's been almost 7 months since then...

Pidge and I visit at least once a week...

Shiro and Adam visit when possible...

James had to leave after few months...

Hunk can barely stop crying nor stress baking. He visits when he feels like he can and is able to.

Lance... Poor Lance. He visits every single day and stays in the hospital the weekends. He barely sleeps, we're glad that he is eating and drinking like always. Only thing that is different is that he barely hangs out, or talks with anyone. He keeps talking to Keith the most, he's most informed about his condition than anyone. Shiro and James talked about Keith to Lance, they said everything they knew and Pidge and I talk about the time we were kids.
Lance tells Keith everything about himself and his day in school and home. Sometimes Lance does his homework in Keith's hospital room.

Today September 26th. Over seven months since Keith was brought to hospital.

Today I had come alone to visit the small Korean.

When I arrived at the hospital and the hall Keith's room is, nurses and few doctors were running in and out of his room. When I got closer to the room, I could hear it...

      The rabid beating of the heart           monitor

    The yelling of the hospital staff

But one noise grabbed my utmost attention...

       The heart shattering and ear bleeding screaming...

                  The scream

        Louder than pigs....
          Louder than tires screeching...

My heart was filled with relief and my only thought was

"Keith's awake"


About 2 hours ago the screaming ended and turned into quiet sobbing and mumbling of conversations.

Plus 1 hour later the door in front of me opened and the doctor stepped out of Keith's room.

"Are you friends with Mr. Kogane?" a gentle woman's voice asked. I stood up and nodded.

"My name is Matthew Holt. If you don't mind me asking, is Keith alright?"

"Well yes," the doctor hesitated.
"Keith woke up in a shock and was in a really deep subconsciousness. He's in the right direction. But I must warn you."

"A-about what, ma'am?"

The doctor sighed sadly. "Mr. Holt, Keith woke up with amnesia."

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now