Unfortunate Mind

97 4 1

W A R N I N G: Mention of blood, self harm

James's POV

It's been a day since Keith's adoptive older brother called me and I still have under 24 hours to go before I arrive in Florida.

Shiro did say Keith wasn't feeling well, but I hope that he hadn't fallen too deep.

I crossed my fingers in my mind and hoped the best.

Time skip to Florida

I have arrived to my destination, it's now 6 pm and I still have to find the address Shiro send me few days ago.

I drove by the bus stop and looked through my phone, trying to find the address. Once I located the address I put it on the navigator and drove off.

30 minutes later I had arrived to a nice normal sized, two store house. It had a nice little rose garden at the front, mostly red roses 'Keiths' favorites', some blue ones and few black ones.

I exited my silver BMW and made my way down the little stone path that led to the front door. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but a little paper note caught my attention.

To James Griffin
     Hey, I went out with a friend somewhere around 16:40 pm, in the hopes that you and Keith would be able to catch up.
      Keith himself does not know that you are arriving, so be prepared!! He's very paranoid, as you might already know.
      Have fun, be civil and act like innocent 5 year-olds.
      I'll be back around 22:00 pm.  On the fridge door is my number (if you didn't save it), call if something is wrong. Btw, the door is open, incase Keith doesn't open the door.

"*sigh* He's a great older brother. " I said to myself as I opened the door carefully.

"Hello! Anybody home!? I tried knocking, but no one answered and the door was open!" I listened as my voice echoed through the house.

Of course I knew Keith was home, but I was a bit put off by the fact that the house was dark and quiet. Not like quiet quiet, but like creepy, dead silent, kinda quiet.

I started to make my way up the stairs. "Hello?" I  called out again. As I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed that the light was leaking out from under two doors, one was close to me and the other was farther down the hallway.

I stepped closer to the first floor, I heard a heavy 'thump' sound coming from behind the door. Soon, so very slowly a red liquid fell from under the door. The panic rose to my throat, "please no," I pleaded and quickly ripped the door open.

It took me a moment to get my thoughts in order. The sight of Keith on the bathroom floor shocked me. Keith apparently got dizzy and weak from the too deep cut that was still bleeding, a lot. While he lost his palance he fell and hit his head on the corner of the sink table, and hard. And then hit his head on the hard floor.

I noticed that Keith had blacked out. I called the 911, and when the ambulance had arrived I called Shiro.

I explained what happened, and drove behind the ambulance to the hospital.

Word count: 560

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