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Lance's POV

"Yes, I'm very aware," I say, amusement lacing my voice.
"So, did ya have a nice rest?" I questioned the short boy.

"I-I... Y-yeah," he stuttered.

'Cute, so very cute. Wait what?!', I thought to myself.

Time skip. By Adam, the space dad's husband

Adam's POV (wuut, omy gosh)

I can't say I wasn't surprised, I was, I really was! I mean, it isn't everyday that Shiro asks favors from me. Heck, he doesn't even ask favors from Matt, and he and Matt have been friends for a long time. Long before I joined the group.

Speaking of Matt, I'm suppose to pick him up in 30 mins. Shoot.

I walk down the hallways to find Pidge sitting by the wall, opposite to the door to the nurses office.

Pidge was holding her knees tightly to her chest, her short messy head laid on top of them. She was holding her big round glasses tightly in her hands, like her life dependent on it.

As an adult, I wanted to comfort her, since it didn't need a smartass to confirm that her behavior was because of Shiros' little brother.
All I was able to bring myself to do, was a simple few pats on the head, ruffling her hair gently. I let out an exhausted sigh.

"Would you like to join me and Keith?" I asked calmly.

"To where?" came a muffled sound from the short one.

"To pick Matt up from the airport. You remember?" I said.

"Yeah, why not. I'm sure Matt would start crying his eyeballs out when he sees Keith," Pidge said. She let out a soft laugh while she raised her head and put the glasses on their specific spot on her nose.

I looked as Pidge got up and walked to the door. She turned around to look at me, a mischievous smile on her face and a blinding light of new found determination in her eyes.

"I'll pick Keith up quickly, then we can head out," she said and turned her mind towards a new mission, get Keith, pick up Matt, make fun of Matt.

Poor Matt, he has the smartest little sister, whose life job is to make his life a bit complicated.

*word count : 377

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