After all this time

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*warning: swearing, panic attack. Mention of blood, death, destroyed house.

Hunk's POV

*talking to phone*
"Hey Pidge, what's up?" I ask them.
"What's up? WhAt's uP?! How. Dare. You. Even ask what's up, when you know exactly what is up." They scream at me through the phone.
"I'm sorry I left you alone to handle Lance's problems, but I really had to finish my project."
"Yeah, I get it. Oh hey, listen this. Lance said he was hypnotized by this dancer he saw."
"And you ain't letting him forget that he just told that to you?"
"Nope!" They said popping the 'p'.
"Yeah figured as much. Oh btw I think I just met Lance's new crush."
"I don't have a crush on them!! Hunk you traitor!!" I heard Lance screaming before Pidge could answer.
"Sorry buddy, but I'm pretty sure you do." I said calmly.
"Shut your damn mouth goofball! Sorry 'bout, Hunk. Anyways gtg, see ya at lunch."
"No prob, see ya then." I said and hung up and returned to the classroom.

As I made my way to my seat I saw Keith walking around the back of the room, dragging his hand on top of the desks. I cleared my throat and asked.

Keith's POV

"You looking for a seat? If so, don't worry the back seats aren't taken." I heard Hunk say.
"O-oh. Thanks." I responded awkwardly back and sat down near the corner in the back seats. Little by little the classroom started the fill with students and lastly the teacher walked in and started the class. Luckily the teacher didn't make me introduce myself.

Time skip

My first class was over and next I had Adam's class, aka Spanish. I hadn't memorized the place yet, so I wasn't exactly sure where the Spanish class was. So as much as I hated to ask help. I heard footsteps nearing me.
"Hey Keith. What class do you have next?" It was Hunk. I was a little surprised to hear him talk to me.
"O-oh w-well, I have Spanish next." I stuttered a response.
"Oh sweet, me and my buddy have Spanish too. Is a teacher named Adam, teaching you?"
"Yeah. Why?" I questioned.
"We could walk together and you could meet Lance, my buddy from childhood."
'oh yeah, he wanted me to meet his friends. Might as well, since we have the same class and all.' I thought and responded to Hunk. "Sure, why not."
"Sweet, come on, let's go. Lance's a bit childish and is very strict about schedule bcuz of his large family, and he's a bit of an idiot." Hunk let out a huff of a laughter. I smiled.

Lance's POV

I was getting a bit impatient for waiting Hunk. Yeah sure the guy was at the first floor, but he was quick in his movements, unusually quick for a guy his size. I had long legs, but I was still a bit shorter than Hunk.

I turned my head and noticed Hunk walking towards me. I pushed myself off from the wall I was leaning on and turned myself fully towards my friend. My gaze landed on the person walking next to Hunk. I didn't notice right away that they were talking, or more like Hunk was talking to them.
I looked at the person from head to toes. They were clearly a hell of a lot shorter than Hunk, heck they were shorter than me.
'They're probably a tiny bit taller than Pidge.' I thought to myself.
The person was wearing all black, except for the red and black dress shirt and red Converse. They wore black fingerless gloves and black sunglasses...
'Who the heck in their right mind wears sunglasses indoors.' I thought.
They were carrying a leather bag, swung over their shoulder.

I let my gaze fall and stopped at the person's right hand. They were holding a white stick that had small red stripe on the top and bottom part of the stick. I wasn't able to think about the fact for long, since I heard Hunk calling my name with a wide grin placed on his face.
"Lance! Hey buddy."
"Hey to you too." I said and put on my I'm angry and pouting, face.
"Oh Lance, don't be like this." Hunk sighed.
"Y-you're right he's a bit childish."
"I told ya so." I heard Hunk and the other person, who sounded like a dude, talk.
"I'm not childish, weirdo!" I barked to the boy.
"W-w-weirdo?" He stuttered.
"Lance, that wasn't nice." Hunk said calmly and a bit accusingly.
"You know what else isn't nice? Leaving while your friend, might I remind you, from childhood has a problem and is talking to you." I responded.
"I'm sorry buddy, but I did-" I didn't let Hunk finish his sentence.
"You left me alone with Pidge, and you know how they hate my guts."
"Pidge?" I heard the boy whisper.
"I am sorry Lance and you know it. Wait, Keith do you know Pidge?" Hunk asked the boy, named Keith.
"W-well, I did know someone with that nickname, she was my childhood friend."
"Oh. Wait, so you aren't fr-" Hunk was cut off by a school bell.
"We should get to class." I said and entered the classroom, Hunk and Keith behind me.
'So even emo can get friends? I don't think There are many people called Pidge, but wait, he said it was a nickname. Arg! Why do I care? Sure the Keith guy looks interesting, mysterious, cute, hot-. Wait what!

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now