Who Are You?!?!

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*I own the art

James's POV

It's been a few days since I arrived to Florida.

The doctors said that Keith had hit his head quite hard, and the double hit was too much for his brain. They can't say for certain how serious the damage is, since the blows to his head and the major blood loss were just too much for his heart, brain and body.

Doctors said that Keith almost lost his life that night.

For now he's in a medically indused coma and in isolation, because he needs specific care and is special case.

Time skip > 16:38 pm.

I was walking back to Keith's room with my coffee in hand. I was just walking past the front desk until I heard someone calling out to me.

"Mr. Griffin?" a young nurse, that I've learned to know as Romelle, was standing in front of the front desk, looking straight at me.

"Yes?" I questioned as I approached her.
"Mr. McClain over here, would like to see how Mr. Kogane is doing, and since you happened to walk past, I thought you could take him?" Romelle gestured to a young, about the same age as I, tall, tan male with ocean blue eyes. I could tell that he was Keith's type.

" Sure, I was about to return there anyway."
"Oh wonderful!" She said cheerfully.

I turned around and started to make my way down the the hall, noticing McClain following behind.

The silence lasted about five minutes.

"Who are you exactly?" McClain asked. I halted midstep and turned around to face him.

"My name is James Griffin. Two days ago I arrived here in Orlando, by Shiro's request. I'm from El Paso, Texas. I'm from a family that fostered Keith for a little while and I met him through that. I became his friends, but we lost contact five years ago. How 'bout you?" I answered his question.

"The name' s Lance McClain, I met Keith on his first day of school. I'm also the friend of his childhood friend."

I continued to make my way back towards Keith's room.

On the way, I explained to Lance what had happened and what was Keith's condition at the moment.

We arrived to the door and I opened it. The room was dark, the only light source was the table lamp that colored the room to its warm yellowish hue.

The room was homey, with a couch and an armchair under the window. In the corner was a flat-screen TV. The room had two doors, one let outside to the balcony and the other to the hallway. On walls that had the doors had also windows. The curtains were closed, so no one would be able to see inside.

Middle of the left wall was a wide hospital bed, the sides up, white sheets and the soft pale violet curtains hiding half of the bed behind. The soft humming of mashines and the small and rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, were the only sound in the room. Or it was supposed to be.

I noticed that Shiro had arrived and fallen asleep on the red leather armchair by Keith's bed. The little hue of green from the heart monitor shading his face.

"Shiro looks more tired than he usually does, especially now that I can see him up close," Lance said in a quiet whisper, I only nodded in response.

Shiro has been very worried about his little brother and has almost forgotten to sleep.

I walked in and next to Shiro, I shook him gently awake and offered him the coffee before he could say anything.

I waved to Lance to walk inside and close the door.

Shiro and Lance gave each other a small wave.

I took a quick glance at Keith's unnaturally pale face, and said that I had to step outside and make a call.

Lance’s POV

As James made his way out the door, I turned my attention to the small, pale boy in front of me. I sat down on the chair that was opposite sides to where Shiro sat.

Keith Kogane, laying in front of me, on the wide bed, under white sheets and in white hospital clothes. Face paler than before, mask that helped him breathe sat on top of his nose and mouth, tubes and wires attached to his body. Anyone would have thought that he was dead, if not for the calming and rhythmic beeping of his heart.

I took his cold had in mine and massaged tiny circles on his tiny hand with my thumb.

' You are strong, beautiful and have the fire in your heart. I know you are making it through this.
We all are waiting for you, Pidge and Matt are worried sick. Hunk has been stress baking, James is watching over you. Shiro is over worrying about you.
I'm not sure how to feel, we've known each other for almost two days, and I think I could not stand it, if you died right here...

You are so fvcking strong, you can get through this, we- I believe in you. '


Word count: 849

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