Kicking and Screaming

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Lance's POV

I stepped inside the room 5f. At first I didn't see anyone, I did hear a faint noise of heavy breathing. I looked around. In a quick movements of my head my eyes landed on a small trembling figure in the corner if the room.

The thunder was still roaring outside. I stepped closer and took a quick look at the figure. In a quick choice of my judgment I could tell it was Keith, lying on the floor doubled over himself in a shape of a ball. He was so small, that I could have easily mistook him as a child. He wasn't wearing his dark glasses, so I was able to take a look at his face, except his face was covered by his long, thick and beautiful raven colored hair. His skin was pale like just fallen snow.

I sat down beside him. I reached out my hand, but it was quickly slapped away. Keith's hand moved fast. His eyes were soon after met with mine.

'His eyes were beautiful', I thought to myself

Keith's eyes were like purple galaxies full of stars. They were mostly purple with hints of blackish and greyish hues. But what made clear that he wasn't alright, was the clear dark fogs in them.

Keith's eyes reflected fear and pain in such glow that it was indescribable. I had no choice, I had to take him away from this room.

I quickly grabbed Keith and took him in my arms in bridal style. Keith started to kick and scream.
I was a threat to him.
I ran out of the room quickly, Pidge and Hunk following. Pidge was starting to have her own worry weighting her shoulders.
Hunk was scared, worried and sobbing.

I was running in the second floors hallways, people gave me dirty looks, but some gave worried gasps.

We arrived to the infirmary quickly. Pidge slammed the door open. Allura,  the nurse of Balmera school, jumped at least a meter in the air.
"Where's the fire?" Allura asked with her British accent clearly in her voice.
Alluras' face dropped as her eyes landed on Keith.
"Lay him on the bed, quickly now. And return to your classes." Allura said running around her office, papers flying around.
"Can I s-stay with him?" I asked as Pidge and Hunk were walking out the door.
"I don't see why not, you can stay and make sure no one else enters in here."
"Stay here, I'll be right back." Allura said as she left the office in a hurry.

I couldn't watch Keith suffer, but I couldn't leave him either. I held his hand tightly. He was trembling uncontrollably. I could hear him whimpering and almost soundlessly whispering "I'm sorry".

In ten minutes Allura returned with Mr. Shirogane.

Mr. Shirogane walked next to me, his expression was grim, sad and worried. He didn't say anything, he just sat down next to me and Keith.

I'm making a short chapter this time bcuz I'm making another klance thrash thingy.

It's klance hanahaki modern au, called Drop in the ocean of blood.

Word count: 519

Dancing with death (klance) Blind auWhere stories live. Discover now