"---- Responded"

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Four days earlier

Shiro's POV

Shiro's phone
Call connected

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Ah, hello. I'm so sorry to bother. Am I talking to - - - -?"

"Yes..? Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! My name is Takashi Shirogane, just call me Shiro."
I quickly responded.

"Alright, what business are you calling me for?"

"You were in one of my little brother's foster homes families own kid, am I correct?"

"Um, yes..? My family has been a part of all that foster home thing. But Um, excuse me, who is your little brother?" he asked in confusion.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, again! His name is Keith, Keith Kogane."
I slapped myself mentally.

"K-Keith! Oh God. H-how is h-he? H-he f-finally found a family?"
I could hear him cry.

"Yes, I'm his adoptive older brother, now he lives with me. My family adopted Keith two years ago."
I was a bit surprised.

"Oh thank the lord, I have been so worried, bless you and your family."
"How may I help you?"

"I was just wondering if you could come and visit him? He starts school tomorrow, but he's feeling down. So I want to help him, and I thought that maybe seeing his friend would help."
I sighed in relif, when he started to sound normal again.

"Of course! I will come visit tomorrow. Just tell me where."

"Thank you so much! I will owe you,
- - - - ! Here, *address* Florida."
"I hope to see you soon and meet with you face to face."

"Me too, Shiro. And thank you, goodbye."


*Nyehehe, here's a little teaser.
This is a phone call that happened a day before Keith started school and... All the shit went down.

Call was between Shiro, and the person who found Keith in da bathroom and this person also called the 911 and informed Shiro.



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