Tunnel Vision

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Invisible & Indivisible

Chapter 3 - Tunnel Vision

Sean Lew's POV

So, Kaycee and I were very confused as to why we were sitting by ourselves and naturally we wanted answers, I wanted to do it later but Kaycee wanted to do it now, so we're doing it now

Kaycee went to Tati and Tahani while I headed towards Julian with Chloe

"Hey Jules" I greeted gaining his attention easily

"Hey Sean long time no see," Julian said confusing me

"It couldn't have been that long"

"...yeah, it was back at Bailey's birthday, that was last time we seriously talked," Julian said, Bailey's birthday is in February meaning we haven't talked seriously in like 6 months...

"Whoa I didn't even realize"

"Look, Sean, I honestly have nothing against you or Kaycee, but you two just got tunnel vision and eventually we all gave up trying to get you two to just turn your heads," Julian said "We might as well have been invisible"

"Tunnel vision?"

"When you and Kaycee got together we all knew you two would be head over heels for each other and would start ignoring us" Julian explained "But after a while, it just became too inconvenient to be best friends"


"Just... For example, I ask to hang out with you and you would say you're busy with Kaycee, first time it's perfectly fine, second time makes sense, third you sense a pattern, and then for like the hundredth time you realize they don't want to spend time with you, they don't reach out or just forget about you, so you move on" Julian said

"Wow I'm a shitty friend"

"Don't feel bad Sean, you're in love and everybody just want you to be happy because trust me we all just want to be happy..." Julian said in a tone which I could sense something was wrong

"Sit with me"

"Okay," he said as he shared a few words to Chloe as he got up and joined me

We sat down and Kaycee already got Tati and Tahani to sit at our table

"Did you get the bad friend speech too?" Kaycee said to me as I nodded "Zoned out?"

"Tunnel vision"

"That's a better way to put it" Tati commented

"Yeah good choice Jules," Tahani said

"Thanks, Hani," Julian said as they did their signature handshake

"Wait so you're still best friends?"

"Of course, Jules and I hang out every week," Tahani said, "It just gets complicated with the whole Josh and Bailey thing..."

"What happened? Why was Bailey with Kenneth?" Kaycee asked

"Wow tunnel vision and deaf?" Tati said "Apparently, Josh cheated on Bailey, so Bailey got back with Kenneth"

"What?! That doesn't sound like Josh" I said as I remembered Josh was basically in love with Bailey and didn't even see other girls

"Well, it's true..." Tahani said

"What happened Tahani?"  Kaycee said

"Josh kissed Tahani in front of Bailey" Julian answered for her

"...Still doesn't sound like him"

"Yeah... he didn't even fight it either, he just had Bailey yell at him for like an hour and break up with him," Tahani said "What's strange is he said sorry right before he kissed me"

"Kenneth made a move immediately afterward and they recently starting dating again," Tati said explaining why Bailey was with him

"I still feel like somethings missing..." Kaycee said as she's right as a lot of details were missing "Ok how about after school? You all come over like old times"

"But it's not Wednesday?" Tahani said

"So? We can play games and watch movies any night" Kaycee said

"I'm down if you all are down?" Julian said

"I'll sit this one out, I have a date," Tati said


"Oh, don't get jealous now Lew" Tati joked at our previous history "A guy name Brady, he's hot"

"Have fun?" Kaycee said

"Oh, I will, 😉" Tati said as the bell ringed for our next class

"I'll ask Josh you can ask Bailey," I said to Kaycee as I catch up with Josh

"Hey, Josh!"

"Oh, hey Lew haven't seen you in a while," Josh says as we head to our next class which luckily is the same as I didn't have him at all in the morning

"I know I'm a bad friend, Kaycee and I are having a game night at her place tonight so we can all reconnect, can you come?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Josh says as we enter the classroom

"And why is that?"

We walk to seats next to Kaycee who was talking to Bailey and in the process, I see Bailey look at Josh with pained eyes

"Bailey hates me," Josh said


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