Skating, Spinning, and Sleeping

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(The top one won so the cover art has changed)

Kaycee Rice's POV


It was Friday, the day Tahani said she would take us all skating

"You all want to have a sleepover after skating?" Bailey asked

"Sure Bailey, why not your place?" Tahani asked

"Yeah sisters are out and parents should be cool with it," Bailey said

"Can me and Gabe come?"

"Sure, let's make it a group affair!" Bailey said

Roller skating Rink

It didn't take us long to get here, Gabe can drive and so could Sean if only one person comes with him, we just left our stuff at our homes and Gabe picked me, Tahani and Julian up while Sean got Bailey

The skating rink was not busy just about 10 other people besides us and the employees, so we quickly were able to get our skates

"Everyone ready?" Bailey asked all of us with our skates on our feet





"No," I said

"What's the matter Kayc?" Tahani asked me

"Um I suck at skating" I admitted as last time I went I fell down constantly

"Sean, show her how to skate without falling," Julian said as Sean is probably the best out of all us when it comes to this

"Got it," Sean said

"And the rest of us let's have fun," Bailey said as they all skated away

"See you out their babe," Gabe said kissing my cheek as he skated away

"Alright, now Lew show me how to be skate genius like you."

"It's all about balance," Sean said taking my hand

... 20 minutes later

"See you got it," Sean said as he was helping me keep my balance by holding my hands as he skates backwards to make sure I don't fall

"You've been holding my hands since we started"

"Oh, so you're saying you can do it by yourself now?" he asked


"You think I can?"

"Let's see," Sean said as he let go of me and he quickly spun to skate between me and the wall

"I need that wall," I said as I really don't want to fall

"Why? You got me"

"So, you're going to be my wall?"

"I'll make sure that if you're with me you'll never fall, I got your back," he said as we began to talk about random things

Before I knew it we already did two laps and I haven't faltered yet

"Wow I haven't fallen yet"

"Maybe because you trust me to catch you, so you lost your nerves and doubt" Sean surmised

"Thanks, Sean you're a great teacher," I said

"Oh, stop it," Sean said

"No, I'm serious you should be a teacher like for dance"

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