Spirit Week: Wednesday

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Kaycee Rice's POV


"So, for tonight, I was thinking-" Tahani started talking about tonight's plans

"Hey, guys!" Sean said as he and Tati sat down

"Hey," Josh and Julian said with us girls not saying anything

"What's up?" Tati asked "Something planned tonight?"

"Yeah Game night" Sean answered

"Oh, that weekly thing you and Kaycee's families do! That's so cool" Tati said

"You're not invited"

"Kaycee," Sean said as I was being a tiny bit rude

"...I get it, I know when I'm not wanted, I'll just sit with Jenna and them" Tati said getting up and leaving

"Wow Kayc," Julian said


"Cold" Josh added


"Even after all this time I still don't fully get you," Sean said, usually he says that as if it was a compliment but I think he looks down on me a little

"My bad but she wasn't invited"

The rest of the day was boring, fast, but still boring as everyone in the school was remarkably subdued, it was pajama day making everyone chill, so a perfect night with friends as we were all in pajama's already

So, for this game night, I decided to have it with my friends especially since both mine and Sean's families were busy tonight

So now we

We as in me, Bailey, Josh, Tahani, Julian, and Sean were at Bailey's house for game and movie night

"So, what do you all usually do?" Josh asked everyone as this is his first one

"Games like monopoly, card games, last time we played spin the bottle," Julian said

"Wow, that didn't get weird?" Josh said

"Weird how?"

"Well I mean you all kissed your best friends, wouldn't it get awkward?" Josh said

"Nah Julian wasn't that good anyways" Tahani joked

"Hey, I've gotten better!" Julian said

"How? With your pillow!?" Sean said as we all laughed

"Round two? I mean this time Gabe's not here to ruin it" Bailey said as Gabe did stop the game from getting interesting last time

"Better grab another bottle"

Well since Julian claims he's gotten better" Bailey said giving him the bottle "He goes first"

Julian spun the bottle and by a weird source of luck to prove his point it landed on Tahani

Like Sean said before about how spin the bottle is not just giving each other half second kisses but doing the real thing

So, when Julian and Tahani started to kiss for longer than 5 seconds we all looked towards each other and that is when we decided to ban this game forever

Bailey Sok's POV

"And then there were four..." Josh said as we all left the living room where Julian and Tahani were kissing

"Cards?" Kaycee suggested

"Yeah, you know how to play war?" Sean asked Josh

"Yeah, it's fun, you ever play it with four people?" Josh said

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