Chapter 44 - A time of Change

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And so Miyoko and I have come to the beach.

It's no longer summer so it is a bit chilly out, but...

"It's beautiful..."

We arrive just in time to see the sun setting over the water.

She and I leisurely gaze out to sea.

"Ah~! Today was so much fun."

"Was It a good change of pace?" I asked her as she walks barefoot on the sand.

"It was perfect! I'll be able to face that exam study no problem now!"

"Ahahaha, That's good to hear."


(It sounds like I was able to help her out today.)


"But you know, Mina..."


I look beside me and am surprised to see her smiling sadly.

"W-what's wrong?"

She closes her eyes to think for a moment before whispering.

"Once I become a teacher..."

"We won't have time to hang out like this anymore, will we?"

"Once I become a teacher... We won't have time to hang out like this anymore, will we?"


She looks back up to me, the same sad expression adorning her face.

I automatically place a hand on her shoulder.

"H-hey...there's been something you keep trying to tell me recently..."

I know she was trying to say something before we came here.

"If there's something bothering you I'm here to listen?"


After a long pause she finally finds the words to say.

"I've been feeling stuck recently."

"Stuck?" I wallowed.


She closes her eyes, whispering as she recalls a memory.

"I decided to become a teacher, studied and became a student teacher..."

"But because of that my time with you is..."

"We didn't even have time for going out on dates like this, right?"

"Well, yeah..."

"I didn't think it would be like this."

She looks confused as she talks, then casts her face downwards.

"And that makes me feel anxious and afraid..."

Her sullen smile returns.

"And so I dived into my studies just to escape that feeling..."

"But I started to feel even more anxious..."

"And so recently I've been thinking that..."

"Once I become a teacher I won't have any time left for us at all..."

"And those things I took for granted would keep changing."

"And I got really scared..."

(I had no idea that she's been feeling this way.)

She looks so sad, and somewhat pained as well.

It pains my own heart to see and I find myself almost screaming.

"That...that's never going to happen Miyoko, I'm not going to stop thinking of you, taking care of you treasuring you, even if you don't have time for me, I'd always be there for you."

I don't like seeing her looking that way, so I face her straight on.

"I'm sorry Miyoko, I should have realized how scared you were feeling sooner..."

"But fron now on let's make the time to see each other, even if it's only for a few minutes."

"And if you're feeling sad, call me! I'll be right there to cheer you up!"


"So, um..."

While flustered, I manage to string my words together.

"I know...I know our surrounding might change, but..."

"Nothing will ever change between us."

"That's because..."

"Because I..."

"I love you, Miyoko now and forever..."

(Uh...I think that was probably pretty embarrassing...)

My words have also made her turn beetroot red and go stiff as a statue. But little by little the happiness she's feeling started to reflect on her face.

"Thank you, Mina."

Her smile is more radiant than the sun. And she wraps her arms around me, holding me tight,

"You're right...Nothing is going to change the way we feel about each other."

"Never ever!"


"Aright, Thanks to you I've gotten my energy back!"



"I'm going to pass my teaching license exam, just you and see," she lefts our a huge grin.

"That's good to hear."

It really does seem like she has gotten her energy back, and I am relieved to see it.

Seeing how earnest she is gets me thinking.

"Maybe I need a dream of my own."

"Eh? I thought your dream was to be my husband?"


She managed to say it with a straight face too...

(W-well she is right, up to a point...)

My dream is to always be with her and to support her.

That has not changed and never will.

(That's matter what changes around usm we will stay the same.)

So I know we will be fine.



"I'm always be here for you supporting in any way I can."

"I know."

And with that final reassurance I embrace the person I love most in the word.

And so...

to the beach.$).i

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Miyoko Neyane/ Aoi Mizusawa Route)Where stories live. Discover now