Secret Story 10 - Best Friend

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"I'm going to go pack for my trip. I'll be in my room."

"D-do you want me to come and help?"

"Eh?! Uh..."

"N-no....i can manage on my own."

"See you later."

I leave Mina and head upstairs.

I have so many thoughts running through my head, and I try to quash them all.

(This is how it's supposed to be...)

(Mina wants me to realize my dream...)

(And this is supposed to be what's best for me.)

(So this is what I have to do...)

Just then Raika comes upstairs.


"Raika? What's wrong?"

She looks worried as she asked me a question.

"Is this what you want?"

It's those words that make me realize. Raika must know everything that's happened between Mina and i.

"There's something you're holding back on saying, isn't there?"

"I know that you are kind."

"But do you feel that you always have to be one to make sacrifices?"

"B-because I think that if I can put with this everything else will be alright..."

"I don't think so."

I know Raika is right.

"Even...Even if that's true..."

"I don't know which way to go from here..."

How did this even happen?

I thought that if I worked hard my dream would come true."

"And that if we loved each other our relationship would be fine."

"So how did this happen?"

"I though and thought about what I could possible do."

"And I'm sure Mina has done plenty of thinking too."

"If his answer is for me to go away..."

"If that is what he really wants..."

My emotions overflow, as do my tears.

"I...I...I don't know what to do anymore..."

I was caught a bit off guard when I look at Raika's welling eyes as she suddenly hugged me.

I start to shake a little as she holds me in her arms.

"I'm sorry to have asked you such a difficult question..."

"It's fine..."

"I know you are worried about me..."



She strokes my hair and whispers my name. The gesture is so kind, I can feel the tears threatening to fall once more.

"Wait just a little longer, Miyoko."

"I'll do what I can..."

I am puzzled by her words.

(Mina, where do we go from here...?)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Miyoko Neyane/ Aoi Mizusawa Route)Where stories live. Discover now