Part 2

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I was sat in the meeting room with my brothers, watching as everyone slowly joined us

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I was sat in the meeting room with my brothers, watching as everyone slowly joined us. I felt my blood boil when I saw Yugyeoms bully walk in. I looked at Yugyeom and noticed he curled in on himself. I watched Jiyoo and how he smirked when he saw Yugyeom, he sat next to him and laughed when he saw the younger cower in again.

After 10 minutes I did a quick headcount and smiled when I saw everyone actually made it on time for once.

"Okay, so... there is a few things to go over today. Number 1, stop, and I mean stop, leaving dirty dishes everywhere when you come here. We don't have maids, we are the ones who clean this place. If you can't keep it clean then you will no longer be welcome.

Number 2, remember, to look out for one another. I've had a few people tell me about arguments and disagreements between fellow pack members and I won't have it any more. We're supposed to be a family. We are biologically designed to care for each other, so why do I have people telling me about fights?!" I shouted to show my anger with this topic. A few members looked scared whilst others looked guilty, it only showed who were the ones fighting recently "so whatever issues you have with each other, I want them all solved before the end of the day.

And whilst we are on this topic... Jiyoo, come up here" I demanded and scanned my eyes for him, stopping the minute I saw him. I felt my body heat up again with anger at the smirk written across his face. Normally when I call people up it's for a 'promotion' or a congrats. I've never had to shun someone away from the pack before. When he was stood in front of me he smiled and waited for me to congratulate him

"You're dismissed Jiyoo" I spoke abruptly, making every sound in the room stop. Everyone looked at us with wide eyes and I could see Jiyoo getting angrier by the second

"What?! Why?"

"I do NOT tolerate violence or bullying in my pack. You have been bullying an individual, you have been breaking my rules, and you have no one to blame but yourself for this! You should be thankful I didn't catch you with my own two eyes" I shouted in his face, watching as he slowly caved in and became a little submissive

"I-I'm Sorry! Please! Give me a second chance"

"I don't give second chances to those who don't deserve it. You are dismissed. We'll do your abandonment marking after the meeting and after that I want you out of my sight"

When a member of a pack gets kicked out, the leader has to mark the individual to show future leaders that they were kicked out of their last pack rather than voluntarily leaving. That way the leader knows that the wolf isn't the most reliable and it's their own choice if they want to take them in or not.

It was a decision that was made decades before I was born and one that everyone agreed on being a good idea.

Once the meeting was disbanded I kept hold of Jiyoo and told Namjoon to get the marking tools.

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