Part 8

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Mornings are slowly becoming my favourite thing

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Mornings are slowly becoming my favourite thing. I always have Jungkook wrapped around me, even if I fall asleep in his arms, our natural roles take over as we sleep and he will end up cuddled up in a ball next to me.

This morning I woke up to him almost laying on top of me. He was between my thighs on his stomach, with his head resting on my ribs. His hands were either side of me, delicately placed on the covers we slept on top of last night.

He's got the prettiest hands. His long, slender fingers fit so well against mine. I locked his hand with mine and kissed each of his finger tips before stroking through his hair.

He eventually groaned as he woke up and sighed happily as he felt my fingers in his hair.

"Good morning baby"

"Good morning" he giggled and wriggled up closer to me and tucked himself into my neck

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did, did you?"

"I always do when you're next to me"

"Maybe today will be the day" he whispered softly. I knew exactly what he meant and I couldn't help but feel my heart break at how he always gets his hopes high

"Yeah... maybe"


"I just don't understand Joon, why hasn't he gone into heat and why haven't I had a rut? It's not normal at all..."

"I dunno Chim. I mean... a month a half is a long time after mating to have neither of you have a natural body response"

"You aren't helping..." I sighed and looked at Kook, who was on his phone with his headphones in.

I know he's stressed about all of this, he mentions it pretty much everyday. Everyday he wakes up with the hope that it'll happen for us, but it never does.

"Okay, Sorry. Let's think... you have sex don't you?"

"Yeah, were not completely incapable of body responses" I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Namjoon's stupid question.

"Alright. Don't bite my head off, I was only asking. I need to know everything so we can figure it out"

"I know... sorry" I mumbled to which he nodded and carried on thinking.

"How often do you have sex?"

"A few times a week"

"Have you ever knotted him?"

"Once... it hasn't happened since"

"When was that?"

"Like the second week after we met each other"

"So what... like a month ago?"


"Do you use protection when you have sex?" He asked with a quiet voice, his eyes widening at my pause "please tell me you've been using protection..."

"We don't... never" I whispered back feeling myself panic up. Everything suddenly seemed to click into place. Everything. "No... he can't be"

"It wouldn't surprise me..."

"Fuck! No, shit shit shit. No he can't be. We aren't ready. I've not known him long enough... surely there is some biological thing that doesn't let it happen until we are ready..."

"Nope, it happens when it happens. Why didn't you use protection? Are you that stupid?!" he whisper shouted at me and smacked me over the head

"Okay shhh, let's calm down. He hasn't heard anything and let's keep it this way for a minute. Let me collect my thoughts. Fuck, what do I do?"

"Well you need to know for sure... which means either a home test or take him to the doctors"

"Joon, I cant, I'm not ready to face it all"

"Well I'm sorry Chim but this is only from your own actions. If you didn't want this to happen, you should have taken all the steps to prevent it. It's only what Jin and Yoongi have to do until they're ready"

"You're so lucky that you and Hobi are both alphas..."

"I know" he chuckled and walked over to me to wrap his arms around me "it'll be okay"

"He can't be..."

"He might not be. But you need to know for sure"


I looked over to Jungkook again, sighing at his innocent smile from the video he was watching. He giggled softly and rested his head on his hand which squished his cheek up. He's too cute for his own good. He's cute but get him in the right mood and he's the sexiest person I've ever seen.

"Are you certain it couldn't be anything else?" I asked Namjoon with a lot of hope that it's something other than what we think

"I dunno, maybe. But a werewolf's body stops heats and ruts during times like this. Due to the potential of the omega getting hurt. Your body doesn't allow a rut to happen, and his won't allow a heat. It makes perfect sense if it is the case"

"Fuck" I whispered and rested my head on my arms "please please please please please please please please please" I begged quietly and took a deep breath "no, he's not. He's not"


"No! He can't be, it's too soon"

"Jimin! Calm down"

"No! This is crazy. He can't be. No"

"And what if he is"

"He's not" I could feel myself getting into a panic over it all.

"Jimin! What if?"

"No... don't say the what if, he can't be" I said a little loud and pointed at Kook.

"I can't be what?" Jungkook asked quietly. I looked at him panicked as he slowly made his way over to me "Jimin..."

"Okay, don't panic"

"Instead of telling me not to panic, just tell me what's going on..."

"We need to go the doctors"

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked with worried eyes and felt his hands over my arms to feel for any injuries

"We need to see if you're pregnant or not"

"What?! Pregnant?"

"I said don't panic... it's okay. It's not definite, but we need to know for sure"

"Jimin, no. I'm not ready to have pups"

"Neither am I, but if you are... we will give that baby everything we have. We will not fail"


"It's okay. I'll take care of you. But before we get ahead of ourselves... let's get you to the doctors, Okay?"

"Y-Yeah... Okay"

"Good luck guys" Namjoon smiled and gave us hug "I hope you get whatever outcome is best. And if it's not what you want, we will all be here to support you"

"Thank you" I smiled and pulled Kook in for a long hug

"Jimin. I'm scared"

"Me too. Me too baby. But we'll be okay"

"Do you promise?"

"Yeah, I promise. Go get your shoes and coat on, let's go to the doctors today, yeah?"

"Yeah, Okay" he whispered and walked away with his head low

"I'm scared Joon, I'm so scared"

"I know. Just make sure you're there for him"

"I always will be"

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