Part 21

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Jungkooks pregnancy is the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed

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Jungkooks pregnancy is the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. Everyday he looks more and more happy and content. Every night I fall asleep with my hands on his stomach, holding both my babies safe and warm.

Since it's coming to the end of his pregnancy he does have a small bump, not much, he just looks bloated to be honest but to me, it's the most beautiful sight.

"I could get used to you being pregnant" I smiled and kissed his stomach. I was sat on a dining room chair as he stood between my legs.

"Me too" he giggled and leaned down so I could kiss his lips instead.

"You guys make me sick" Jin scoffed as he walked into the kitchen

"Oh shut up. You and Yoongi are no better. Yoongi baby, help alpha make dinner for-"

"Hey. Don't talk about me and my mate like that"

"Then don't tell us we make you sick" I fought back. He just huffed in defeat and apologised grumpily but as soon as Yoongi joined us, he immediately went back to being super gay with him. I just rolled my eyes and pulled Kook to sit on my lap.

"Can we get a bath later? My back hurts a little"

"Of course beautiful. Anything you need, just tell me"

"Okay. In that case, can you make me a tea please" he giggled and kissed my cheek

"I should have seen that coming" I laughed and kissed him gently, telling him to go to our room and I'll come find him when his tea is ready. He smiled and nodded, caressing a hand over his stomach as he walked upstairs.

As I made his herbal drink for him I could hear Yoongi trying to lull their baby back to sleep. Although he sounds stressed and tired, I can't wait until I have the same thing. I'm ready for the sleepless nights and early mornings, I just want the next few weeks to hurry up.

As I got to my room I saw Kook sat in the window bay, drawing with his finger on the steamed glass. There was a massive rain storm outside and he always tells me how the rain soothes him. He had a protective hand on his stomach and was humming a soft melody. He looked at me with a smile when he got my scent and made grabby hands for his tea. I sat behind him so he was in between my legs and placed soft kisses over his neck.

"How are you feeling beautiful? How's your back?"

"It's okay. I'll lay down for a while in a minute"

"Okay. When you're ready I'll run you a bath as well"

"Thank you. You're good to me"

"Because you deserve it. Your my mate and I'm going to treat you all day, everyday. Mine"

He hummed in content and carried on sipping his tea. I gently rubbed my hand over his belly, feeling my heart swell with protectiveness and love. How is it possible to love someone so much that isn't even born yet?

Once Kook was finished with his drink he waddled over to the bed, climbing under the covers and stretching his back out.

"Is that better?" I asked softly as I joined him. I sat between his legs and pushed his tshirt up so I could leave kisses all over his stomach.

"Yeah. Feels nice to straighten my back out properly... and it always feels nice to have you kissing me"

"You can have kisses whenever you want them"

After an hour of laying in bed, laughing, talking and discussing baby names, Kook decided he wanted to go for a bath. I gave him a quick kiss before climbing out of bed and going to run the bath.

I lit his favourite candles and got the water running just a little hotter than what he normally has it. I know he'll complain about it but it will only help soothe his muscles.

I made my way back to him and scooped him up in my arms. He wrapped his legs around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

When we got to the bathroom, I helped him get undressed, being sure to cover his skin in kisses whenever a new item of clothing was removed.

I held his hands as he stepped into the water and let him get comfortable before stripping myself and getting in behind him.

I got a sponge and started squeezing water over his back and shoulders. He sighed happily and tickled his fingers over my knees and calves.

"I don't want to stop being pregnant"

"That can be arranged" I giggled softly and kissed under his ear "but why beautiful?"

"I feel like I finally have some purpose for my life. I don't feel so useless now. It's making me love being an omega even more and I'm scared that when I'm not pregnant, I'll start to hate myself again slowly"

"I won't let that happen. I'll give you a million reasons everyday why you are the most beautiful, caring, worthy person I've ever met"

"But will you still want me?"


"Well I'll be a little bigger than what I was, I won't have enough time to care for myself all the time. I'm probably going to get really ugly"

I moved so I was in front of him and straddling his thighs. He had small tears falling down his cheeks and his eyes closed. I kissed him softly and wiped his tears away.

"No matter what happens, you will always be the most beautiful person known to man. I will always love you, no matter if you're pregnant with 30 pups and your stomach reaches the other side of the world" I laughed and smiled when I saw him giggle

"I'm just scared. I don't think I'll be a good parent. You will. I know it, I just don't think I will be"

"You will be baby. If you struggle at first that's normal. We both probably will, but we'll get a good routine, we'll learn the different cries of our baby, we'll know exactly what they need and everything will be perfect. I believe in you. I know you can do this. Do you trust me?"

"Yeah. More than anything. You're right. It'll be fine" he smiled softly and turned his head to look at me. I kissed his lips softly, slowly making my way down his neck before going back to washing his body.

Once he was clean I moved so he could lie back and relax his back muscles and sat between his legs. Once again I pressed even more kisses over his stomach, knowing that he loves it when I do. He loves seeing me protective over our pup.

"I wonder who our pups mate will be. Whether it will be a girl or boy, omega or alpha. I wonder if our baby will be an omega or an alpha"

"I don't care as long as it's happy and healthy"

"Me too baby" I smiled and watched him in awe as he lay with his eyes closed, doing nothing, but still looking absolutely breath taking "I love you". He grinned and opened his eyes a little, with a blush covering his cheeks of course

"I love you too"

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