Nightmare hates ducks

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The title says it all. Remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road.

It was an average day in Dreamtale. Nightmare was sat on the couch watching television (like usual) and Dream was doing a sacrificial ritual involving the toaster that had recently been possessed.

"Dream... What are you doing?"

"Sacrificing the toaster!"


"It must be done, brother." Dream replied, giggling slightly which made Nightmare sweat a little. He momentarily watched his brother's ritual before going back to staring at the television. There was a cooking show currently playing called 'Cooking With A Killer Robot' - It was one of Nightmare's favourite shows.

"Hey brother, can we go for a walk? I'm bored." Dream asked, dusting his hands and turning to glance at Nightmare with hope. Nightmare met his gaze and tilted his skull slightly.

"I thought you were sacrificing the toaster..?" He half asked. "Wait, where is it?"

"I already did that." Dream responded with. "I threw it out of the window that's not a window however is still classed as a window despite not having a glass pane anymore."

"...Oh...Okay then." Nightmare answered. "Then I guess we can go for a walk... Is there anywhere particular you want to go to?" He inquired, rising up to his feet and switching the television off.

"The big lake! Y'know, the one near the forest area!" Dream replied, his pupils shifting into stars.

Nightmare nodded, receiving a cheer from his brother, who proceeded to run out of the room to grab something. He soon returned with his yellow cape that had a golden sun embedded on it. Originally, the cape was a flag that the two siblings had made for their tree however now Dream wears it as a cape. Nightmare smiled fondly at the memory, quickly erasing the smile from his face so Dream wouldn't see he was showing emotion.

"We should make you a cape like mine!" Dream announced, startling Nightmare. "Except it should be a dull violet colour and have a purple moon on it!"

Nightmare hummed thoughtfully, kinda liking the idea.

"Yeah, I guess we could."

Dream smiled widely, his pupils once again shifting into stars. 

"Great! We can get started on one when we come back from our walk if you feel up to it!" He suggested. Nightmare gave a small nod as a response.

"Shall we go to the lake now?" He asked his brother, who nodded enthusiastically. Nightmare turned away and began walking towards the front door, opening it with one swift motion and stepping outside, Dream following. Once his brother was outside the house, Nightmare shut the door and the two began to walk towards their destination at a moderate pace.

"Wow, It's a beautiful day outside!" The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming... Perfect weather for a nice walk, isn't it brother?" Dream observed, surveying their surroundings as they wandered forwards.

"Yeah, it is." Was Nightmare's reply.

The two brothers continued on their journey, eventually arriving at the lake.

"We're here!" Dream announced, incase Nightmare hadn't noticed the vast lake before them.

"I can see that." Nightmare mumbled softly.

The pristine lake was a beautiful shade of light blue, glittering elegantly with help from the sun's rays. The tranquil area seemed to have a calming aura, for the two brothers instantly felt relaxed simply by being in the presence of the lake.

"This place is the definition of serene." Dream mused, sitting by the lake and removing one of his gloves so that he could gently run his hand through the calm waters.

"I agree.. I love it here." Nightmare murmured, a small, peaceful smile forming on his usually stoic face. "It's even prettier at night." He added.

"I've never been here at night - you'll have to take me one time! I want to see what it looks like at night!" Dream chimed.

Nightmare lightly shrugged. "Maybe."

Dream and Nightmare sat before the lake, both seemingly happy. Without warning, something waddled towards Dream and quacked, startling them both. Dream turned to face the the culprit and was greeted by a small duck.

"Aww, hello lil' guy!" Dream cooed, watching the duck as it quacked again before approaching him.

"Hey look, it want's to be my friend!" Dream voiced. Nightmare once again tilted his head, staring at the duck with slight unease. Said duck approached Dream and hopped into his lap. Dream giggled, patting the duck's head affectionately. The duck remained there a while longer before turning to face Nightmare and waddle towards him. Nightmare's eyes widened slightly and he moved back in slight fear. He never really liked ducks, one bit his finger when he was a small skeleton and since then he's been weary of them.

"Aww Nightmare, don't worry - it won't hurt you!" Dream urged.

Nightmare still shuffled away from the duck with distrust. The duck stood still for a moment before suddenly rushing towards him and hopping into his lap, quacking loudly in his face repeatedly.

Nightmare squeaked in surprise, jumping up and causing the duck to emit a noise of distress and flap it's wings in fear. Nightmare wasted no time in hiding behind his brother for protection.

Dream chuckled in amusement, turning slightly so that he was half looking at his brother and proceeding to pat him on the skull gently.

"Poor Nightmare. At least it didn't attack you." Dream stated. 

Dream regretted saying that though, as when he turned back to look at the duck, it began to charge towards them, quacking and flapping it's wings angrily.

Nightmare shrieked and began to take off running, dragging Dream along with him. 

The two brothers rushed away from the lake, outrunning the duck that continued to angrily flap it's feathered wings as it watched them leave.

What an eventful day.

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